Retirement Savings and Investment Plans
Last Updated: December 2, 2024 10:13:22 AM PST
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Learn about the retirement savings and investment plans to eligible UC San Diego employees.
The University of California Retirement System (UCRS) offers several retirement savings and investment plans to eligible UC San Diego employees:
- University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP): A defined benefit plan for eligible UC employees. This means your benefits are determined by a formula including age, salary, and years of service. The plan provides you with monthly retirement income, or you can choose to take a lump sum cashout.
- Estimate your retirement income.
- View the 1976 UCRP Summary Plan Description (PDF); if you are not coordinated with Social Security: 1976 UCRP Summary Plan Description for Members Without Social Security (PDF)
- View the 2013 UCRP Summary Plan Description (PDF)
- View your UCRP estimates and CAP balances on your UC Retirement At Your Service (UCRAYS) account.
- Many UCRP members have a Capital Accumulation Provision (CAP) (PDF)
- Defined Contribution Plan (DC Plan) (PDF): Provides supplemental retirement benefits. The plan is made up of 2 separate accounts:
- Past pre-tax contribution account
- Voluntary after-tax contribution account (enroll at Fidelity NetBenefits)
- 403(b) (PDF): A voluntary savings and investment plan. You contribute on a pretax basis, which reduces your taxable income. Your contributions and earnings are taxed when you withdraw the money.
- 457(b): Another voluntary, tax-deferred savings and investment plan. When used with an existing 403(b) plan, the 457(b) plan effectively doubles the amount you can put into tax-deferred retirement savings.
- ROTH: New Roth contribution option to the UC 403(b) and 457(b) Plans. The Roth option allows you to pay taxes on contributions now so that you have the potential to take the money out tax-free in retirement. View the Ways to Save with Roth presentation materials and recorded webinar.
Note: Fidelity Retirement Services maintains participant accounts and records for these plans. See UCnet for detailed information on Fidelity Retirement Services and on the DC Plan, 403(b) and 457(b). To enroll in any or all of these supplemental retirement benefits, log into Fidelity NetBenefits.