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Defined Contribution Plan

Read about the Defined Contribution Plan (DCP), designed to provide supplemental retirement benefits.

The Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) includes two kinds of accounts: the pretax account for mandatory contributions, and the after-tax/ rollover account for voluntary contributions, including the taxable portion of rollovers from other employer plans. Fidelity Retirement Services is the recordkeeper for the DCP.

Learn more about the DCP by reading below, or see the UCnet description or the Summary Plan Description (PDF).


  • Pretax: Safe Harbor participants automatically contribute to the DCP on a pre-tax basis (except UCRP Tier Two members). Employees are automatically enrolled and contribution begins the first day of an eligible appointment.
  • After-tax: All UC employees (except students who normally work fewer than 20 hours per week) are eligible to make voluntary contributions to the after-tax account. When you are ready to enroll, log into Fidelity NetBenefits.


  • Pretax: Safe Harbor participants contribute 7.5%
  • After-tax: The Internal Revenue Code limits employee contributions. Please see after-tax contribution limits in the DC Plan Summary Plan Description (PDF).

Investment options, changing funds

  • Pretax: Choose from UC-managed or externally managed funds. If you do not make a choice, contributions are automatically invested in the UC-managed Savings Fund. You can change future contributions and transfer account balances at any time by logging into Fidelity NetBenefits.
  • After-tax: Participants have the same investment options as pretax participants. Change future contributions and transfer account balances at any time by logging into Fidelity NetBenefits.

Designating beneficiaries

  • Pretax and after-tax: Review your beneficiaries regularly and update them if you experience a major life event, such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child, or a death. To designate or change beneficiaries, log into Fidelity NetBenefits, or contact them at (866) 682-7787.

Distribution of funds

  • Pretax: Pretax account distributions are permitted only when the participant leaves employment or retires.
  • After-tax: You can take distributions of after-tax money at any time.

Note: The Special Tax Notice for Plan Distribution (PDF) provides tax information for both plans.

For more information, contact your Benefits Representative.
Notice: The information on this page summarizes provisions of university policies and/or collective bargaining agreements. Refer to the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) and local implementing procedures or applicable collective bargaining agreement for full text of referenced information.