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Concur Request and Expense Report Accounting

The Concur Request and Expense Report Accounting Blink page will provide an overview of how Requests and Expense Reports are accounted in Oracle Financials Cloud.


Three different ways that Concur Requests are accounted in Oracle Financials Cloud

Travel Request or an Event Request:

  • If a Travel Request or an Event Request contains a Project value (either in the Request/Report Header or in an allocation), the amount charged to the Project will appear as a commitment (also known as a lien) on the Project and Task provided.
  • Once the Request is fully approved, the commitments will be sent overnight from Concur into Oracle and will be visible in the Project Portfolio module in Oracle.
  • The naming convention for these commitments are TE_[Request ID]_[LastNameFirstName].
  • These commitments are considered "external" commitments, as they are originated in a system external to Oracle.
  • External Concur commitments are lifted once the Concur Request has been closed (either manually in Concur, or automatically 120 days after the trip end date or event date).
  • For more information on commitments, please review the Viewing and Lifting Commitments for Concur and Oracle Blink page.

Gift Card Requests and Human Subject Requests:

  • Gift Card Requests and Human Subject Requests will create an invoice in Oracle overnight once they are fully approved.
    • Gift Cards naming convention: The naming convention for these invoices is TE_[Request ID]_G_[Last Name and First Name of Concur account that created Expense Report] for Gift Cards.
    • Human Subject Requests: the naming convention is TE_[Request ID]_E_[Last Name and First Name of Concur account that created Expense Report].
  • The payee listed on the Oracle invoice will be the Concur account holder who created the Gift Card or Human Subject request.
  • Upon creation of the Concur invoice in Oracle, the invoice will auto-approve and payment will be issued on the following day.
  • The associated charges will be posted to the General Ledger and/or PPM at the same time.

New Card and Card Action Requests (Travel & Entertainment Card, Procurement Card, Human Subject Procurement Card):

  • New Card and Card Action Requests do not create any commitments or invoices.

Expense Reports

Travel Expense Reports and Event Expense Reports

Most Travel Expense Reports and Event Expense Reports will create invoices in Oracle overnight once they are fully approved.

  • The naming convention for these invoices is outlined below.
  • The payee on the Oracle invoice will be the person that is the recipient the funds.
  • If there are multiple payees on the same Expense Report (example: Employee Payee and Non-Employee Payee), two invoices will be generated (one to each payee).
  • Additionally, any centrally billed charges will create their own invoice with Concur Campus Card Clearing* as the payee.
  • Upon the creation of the Concur invoice in Oracle, the invoice will auto-approve and payment will be issued the following day.
  • The associated charges will be posted to the General Ledger and/or PPM at the same time.

Procurement Card Expense Reports

Procurement Card Expense Reports will also create invoices in Oracle overnight once they are fully approved.

The naming convention for these invoices is outlined below.

  • The payee name will be Concur Campus Card Clearing*.
  • Upon the creation of the Concur invoice in Oracle, the invoice will auto-approve and payment will be issued the following day.
  • The associated charges will be posted to the General Ledger and/or PPM at the same time.
Invoice naming convention: TE_[ReportID]_[Type of Expense Report]_[Last Name and First Name of Concur account that created Expense Report]
  • For the [Type of Expense Report] field
    • N - Non-employee Payee
    • E - Employee Payee
    • T - Travel & Entertainment Card
    • P - Procurement Card

*University Card charges will create invoices with Concur Campus Card Clearing as the payee due to the fact that all charges are paid up-front by IPPS when the card is used. The process of reconciling card charges in Concur tells the system which chart string those funds should be drawn from in order to return those funds to IPPS.


This section will cover special situations where the accounting of expenses differs from the above sections. It is highly recommended to read the above sections before reviewing these scenarios.

For Expense Reports with Personal/Non-reimbursable card charges:

  • if there is an amount owed to the cardholder on the same or subsequent Concur Expense Report that is equal to or greater than the Personal/Non-reimbursable amount, then it will automatically deduct the Personal/Non-reimbursable amount owed. The Expense Report is accounted normally (see above section).
  • If the amount of Personal/Non-Reimbursable card charges is greater than the amount owed to a cardholder, that amount will create a credit memo with the cardholder as the payee. It will also create an Accounts Payable liability line in the GL with the following chart string:

    16150.16000.[Financial Unit in employee's Concur profile].129020.000.000.0000000.0000000

  • When the credit memo is offset with the cardholder’s personal check or future Expense Report with amount due to the cardholder, the liability line will be cleared with another line, and no further action is required. For more information, please review our content on Personal/Non-Reimbursable charges in Concur.