Approving Reimbursements
See these resources for approving travel reimbursements.
For instructions on how to approve Travel and Entertainment within Concur, please reference this Knowledge Base Article.Academic Affairs
Official entertainment, both standard and special, must be approved by someone who has been delegated that authority. Find information on approval authority and guidelines.
Background: Prior to an event, the host is responsible for providing an estimate and details of planned meal/beverage costs and obtaining approval from someone in the Financial Unit with delegated authority to approve the expenses. If the event will be catered, an Event Request may need to be submitted in Concur. After the event concludes, the person with approval authority must approve the expense report.
Who can approve standard entertainment? Department chairs, unit heads, and department business officers have been delegated the authority to approve standard entertainment consistent with UC San Diego policy. Note: Approval authority is contingent upon completion of the Approval Authority for University Sponsored Standard Entertainment form (PDF); route to the EVC Business Office for signature. Units are responsible for submitting updates or cancellations of approval authority.
Who can approve special entertainment expenses? The Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs has delegated approval authority for special entertainment to Academic Affairs division deans and assistant deans, college provosts, AVCs, and similar unit heads. This further delegation of authority is local policy and has been developed specifically for Academic Affairs. Approval authority is contingent upon obtaining the specific delegation letter. Contact Policy and Records Administration for details.
See the table below for specific people with the authority to approve special entertainment within Academic Affairs. Coordinate updates to this list with the EVC Business Office.
Name and title | Division or college |
Elizabeth Simmons, Executive Vice Chancellor | Academic Affairs |
Marie Carter-Dubois, AVC Resource Administration | Academic Affairs |
Cristina Della Coletta, Dean | School of Arts & Humanities |
Alma Palazzolo, Assistant Dean | School of Arts & Humanities |
Kit Pogliano, Dean | School of Biological Sciences |
John Bauer, Assistant Dean | School of Biological Sciences |
Carol Padden, Dean | School of Social Sciences |
Nieves Rankin, Assistant Dean | School of Social Sciences |
Caroline Freund, Dean | School of Global Policy & Strategy |
Meredith D'Angelo, Assistant Dean | School of Global Policy & Strategy |
Albert Pisano, Dean | Jacobs School of Engineering |
Tana Troke Campana, Assistant Dean | Jacobs School of Engineering |
Christine Hrycyna, Dean | School of Physical Sciences |
Robert Rome, Assistant Dean | School of Physical Sciences |
Lisa Ordóñez, Dean | Rady School of Management |
Leonard LaFebre, Assistant Dean | Rady School of Management |
Leslie Carver, Provost | Marshall College |
K. Wayne Yang, Provost | Muir College |
Paul Yu, Provost | Revelle College |
Ivan Evans, Provost | Roosevelt College |
Kate Antonovics, Provost | Seventh College |
Lakshmi Chilukuri, Provost | Sixth College |
Marisa Abrajano, Provost | Warren College |
Hugo Villar, Dean | University Extension |
Collins Ejiogu, Chief Administrative Officer | University Extension |
Mary Walshok, Associate Vice Chancellor | University Extension and Public Programs |
Erik Mitchell, The Audrey Geisel University Librarian | University Library |
Heather Hernandez, Chief Administrative Officer | University Library |
James Antony, Dean | Graduate Division |
Who can approve entertainment exceptions to policy? These exceptions differ from special entertainment. The UC San Diego travel manager reviews and approves all entertainment exceptions to policy, including:
- A missing receipt or no original receipt for:
- An expense $75 or more
- The reimbursement request is submitted more than 45 days after the event
Approving your own expenses: If you have entertainment approval authority, you cannot approve your own entertainment expenses or reimbursement.
Approving your supervisor's expenses: If you have entertainment approval authority, you cannot approve the entertainment expenses or reimbursement of a person to whom you report, unless the entertainment is a large group event in which the person to whom you report is participating.
When a department chair, administrative unit head, ORU director, or department business officer hosts or is the primary sponsor of an entertainment event, or receives reimbursement for entertainment expenses, follow this approval process:
Entertainment sponsor, host, or payee | Approval authority |
Department chair | Dean |
Dean or Provost | AVC Resource Administration |
Department business officer | Department chair |
Additional review: If you question whether a specific entertainment event is allowable, or otherwise desire a third-party review of entertainment, contact the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor.
External and Business Affairs Senior Managers
The following instructions apply to these SMT titles:
- Assistant Vice Chancellor, IT Services
- Assistant Vice Chancellor, Housing, Dining, and Hospitality Services
- Assistant Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
- Controller and Assistant Vice Chancellor, Business & Financial Services
If you have the delegated authority to approve travel or entertainment, you cannot approve your own expenditures or those of your direct supervisor.
- Entertainment preparer: Reports meeting and entertainment expenses using Concur (login required).
- Meeting coordinator/host (if required): Receives email notification and certifies expenses.
- Departmental approver: Receives email notification, reviews claim, and enters a comment(s), if needed, then approves.
- Travel: Audits claim and enters comment(s).
- Travel Director: Receives email notification, reviews claim, provides secondary approval, and enters a comment(s).
- VCBA: Receives email notification and enters a comment(s) to indicate approval.
- Travel: Receives email notification and approves.
Example approval workflow
Senior Management Team (SMT) travel and entertainment is first reviewed at the departmental approver's level, then forwarded to the UC San Diego Travel director for review, and finally sent for final approval to the vice chancellor – Business Affairs (VCBA) or controller.

Note: For chancellor and VC travel, review and secondary approval is automatic in Concur by virtue of their titles.
Chancellors and Vice Chancellors
If you have the delegated authority to approve travel or entertainment, you cannot approve your own expenditures or those of your direct supervisor.
- Travel preparer: Reports travel expenses using Concur (login required).
- Traveler: Receives e-mail notification and certifies travel expenses.
- UC San Diego Travel Director: Receives e-mail notification, reviews claim, and updates status or enters a question for the departmental approver.
Note: By virtue of their titles, chancellor and VC, Concur claims are automatically routed for review by the UC San Diego Travel director on behalf of the controller.
- Entertainment preparer: Reports meeting and entertainment expenses using Concur (login required).
- Meeting coordinator/host (if required): Receives email notification and certifies expenses.
- Departmental approver: Receives email notification, reviews claim, and enters a comment(s), if needed, then approves.
- Travel: Audits claim and enters comment(s).
- Travel Director: Receives email notification, reviews claim, provides secondary approval, and enters a comment(s).
- Chancellor or VC: Receives email notification and enters a comment(s) to indicate approval.
- Travel: Receives email notification and approves.
Note: MyApprovals retains the history of review details, including comments, for all MyPayments claims.
Example Approval Workflow
Chancellor and VC travel and entertainment is first reviewed at the departmental approver's level, then forwarded to the UC San Diego Travel director for review, and sent for final approval to the vice chancellor – Business Affairs (VCBA) or controller.

Note: For chancellor and VC travel, review and secondary approval is automatic in Concur by virtue of their titles.
Health Sciences
Background: Prior to an event, the host is responsible for providing an estimate and details of planned meal/beverage costs and obtaining approval from someone in the Financial Unit with delegated authority to approve the expenses. If the event will be catered, an Event Request may need to be submitted in Concur. After the event concludes, the person with approval authority must approve the expense report.
Who can approve standard entertainment: Department chairs, unit heads, ORU (Organized Research Unit) directors, and department business officers have been delegated the authority to approve standard entertainment and meeting expenses consistent with UC San Diego policy. Note: Approval authority is contingent upon completion of the Approval Authority for University Sponsored Standard Entertainment form (PDF). Units are responsible for submitting updates or cancellations of approval authority.
Approval for special entertainment expenses: The vice chancellor – Health Sciences has delegated approval authority for expenses to Health Sciences' department chairs. See the table below for specific persons who have been delegated the authority to approve special entertainment. Approval authority is contingent upon obtaining the specific delegation letter. Contact Policy and Records Administration for details.
Name | Department |
Gerard Manecke | Anesthesiology |
Dennis Carson | Cancer Center |
Don Cleveland |
Cellular Molecular Biology |
Wolfgang Dillmann |
Medicine |
William Mobley |
Neuroscience |
Steve Garfin | Orthopedics |
Steven Gonias | Pathology |
Gabriel Haddad | Pediatrics |
Joan Heller-Brown | Pharmacology |
Igor Grant | Psychiatry |
A.J. Mundt | Radiation Oncology |
William Bradley | Radiology |
Charles W. Nager | Reproductive Medicine |
Ron Espiritu | School of Medicine/ Health Sciences |
Andrina Marshall | School of Pharmacy |
Palmer Taylor | School of Pharmacy |
Bryan M. Clary or Christopher J. Kane | Surgery |
Lori Donaldson | UC San Diego Medical Center |
Approving your own expenses: If you have entertainment approval authority, you cannot approve your own entertainment expenses or reimbursement.
Approving your supervisor's expenses: If you have entertainment approval authority, you cannot approve the entertainment expenses or reimbursement of a person to whom you report, unless the entertainment is a large group event in which the person to whom you report is participating.
Department chair/ director's expenses: Vice chancellor approval is required on each reimbursement request that is made payable to a department chair or ORU director. When a payment request is made payable to a vendor, vice chancellor approval is required when a department chair or ORU director is the host or primary sponsor of the entertainment event.
Additional review: If you question whether a specific entertainment event is allowable, or otherwise desire a third-party review of entertainment, contact the vice chancellor's office.