How to Retrieve Data Using QueryLink
Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:53:29 PM PDT
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Follow this guide to learn about QueryLink, a Web-based tool that allows authorized staff to retrieve data from UC San Diego's Data Warehouse without knowing a programming language.
The available data includes financial, student, and payroll/ personnel information.
This is a brief overview. The online PowerPoint tutorial describes how to use QueryLink in more detail. QueryLink classes demonstrate the basics and focus on specific databases.
- Click on the
button next to each query for a full explanation of its features and functional purpose.
- Some fields are required, some are selected by default, and some require you to enter your specific criteria.
- Remember that QueryLink opens pop-up windows, so you should close the window when you move on.
1. Select a query model that matches your interest.
- Open the appropriate Link product: FinancialLink, Blink Student/ Class Info, EmployeeLink, DataLink.
- Click the Queries button on the left column.
- Verify that it's the query you want by clicking on the
next to the query title, and reading the description.
2. Start the query.
- Click the query title.
- Enter your login and password.
3. Take a tour of the query.
Some fields require more qualification.
- Click all the tabs at the top, moving from left to right.
- Review the fields that each page offers.
- Click on the name of the field to read a description.
- Look through the drop-down lists that many fields offer.
4. Decide how you want the information presented.
- Click the drop-down lists at the bottom of each page to see the options. Choosing some of these options will open another window requesting your input.
- Note that in the Query Option: Set Results Row Count, the default retrieves 2000 rows of data.
5. Run a preliminary query.
- Enter values in the appropriate fields on all the pages.
- Check the boxes for the fields you'd like to display returned information.
- Leave the default row count at 2000 for this test.
- Click Submit.
- Use this preliminary query to be sure that you're getting what you want.
- Close the preliminary window.
6. Run your query.
- Enter all the necessary information.
- Enter the row count that you need. (Enter "0" for an infinite number)
- Click Submit.
For more information, contact the Data Warehouse Team.