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Joint UC San Diego VA/Faculty Appointments

Find information on joint UC San Diego VA/ faculty appointments.

  • For employees with joint UCSD/VA faculty appointments, visit the Vice Chancellor for Health Science website
  • The UC/VA worksheet is required to ensure that investigators include the salary and percentage of effort on the proposal's budget that is solely associated with their UCSD appointment.
  • The UC/VA worksheet should be completed as indicated on the form, and provided to your review office at the time of the initial review.
  • In addition to determining the appropriate salary and effort to use on the proposal's budget, a statement is included on the UC/VA worksheet that must be added to the budget justification to notify the agency that the investigator has a joint appointment and to clarify the effort and salary associated with the proposal.
  • The statement should be added to the end of the investigator's justification.
  • With the exception of adding this statement to the budget justification, all agency budget instructions should be followed.
  • Please Note: Although effort is represented in calendar months by some agencies, the UC/VA worksheet uses percent effort and does not need to be converted when added to the end of a budget justification where calendar months are used.

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