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Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard

The Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard provides a variety of metrics for leaders to assess comparative workloads of their fiscal staff.

The Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard is available from the Business Analytics Hub ( under the Leadership (Restricted) tab.



Staff who have responsibility for managing fiscal assistants workloads and do not currently have access should submit a ticket indicating why access is needed and attaching approval of the MSO or other departmental leader. Access failure appears as error "Unable to load requested view. Displaying home view instead."

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select Budget & Finance
  3. If using the List View, look for Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard in the list or use the search bar at the top right and click the dashboard name  
  4. If using the Card View, click the Leadership (Restricted) tab and click Launch on the Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard tile 
  5. Use your Active Directory credentials to sign in, if prompted.


The Cognos and Oracle Tips & Tricks page shares various recommendations on navigating report functionality

  • Use these parameters to filter for the data you want to view.
  • Project Organization prompt: Select one or more Project Organizations.
  • Fiscal Assistant prompt: To select which fiscal assistants to display on the report, click the Reprompt button after selecting one or more Project Organizations to generate a list of fiscal assistants to choose from. If you wish to display all fiscal assistants, this step is not necessary. 
  • Job Code prompt: This prompt is mandatory, use it to specify/filter out Job Codes that your department uses for Fiscal Assistants. The Job Codes are pre-filtered to show only the ones that are appropriate for this report. 
Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard prompt

Fiscal Assistant


  • The Fiscal Assistant page gives departmental managers such as MSOs the ability to see a variety of metrics to assess workload for each of their fiscal assistants. 
  • By default, the report shows the last three fiscal years. Therefore, the manager can assess how workloads have changed over time as well as compare workloads between staff members, and make workload management decisions for the future based on that information.
  • It can also be used to determine whether current staffing is sufficient to support the department’s activity.

Business Scenarios

This report answers the following questions:

  • How has the workload for each Fiscal Assistant changed over time?
  • What does the workload of each of the Fiscal Assistants look like and how do they compare to each other?

Report views

  • Results display in one tab.
  • All data in fiscal assistant workload dashboard is sourced from Concur, UCPath, and Oracle.

Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard report  

Definitions of fields

Here are definitions for each of the fields you can find in the report:

Report field definitions
Field Definition Data source
Number of Delegates Number of delegates assigned to User on Concur Profile Concur
Delegate for Number of People Number of Users assigned as delegate for on Concur Profile Concur
Number of Created Requests Number of Concur Requests Created by User Concur
Number of Submitted Requests

Number of Concur Requests Submitted by User

Number of Total Request Types Number of different request types created or submitted (ex. Travel, Event, University Card) Concur
Number of Travel Requests Number of unique Travel Requests created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of Event Requests Number of unique Event Requests created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of Card & Payment Requests

Number of unique Card & Payment Requests created, submitted or on User’s profile

Number of Payment Product Types Number of unique Card types created, submitted or on User’s profile (ex. Gift Card, P-Card, T&E Card) Concur
Number of PO-based Invoice Approvals Number of unique purchase orders that have approved invoices Oracle
Number of DRs/SCTs initiated Number of unique Direct Retros / Salary Cost Transfers initiated UCPath
Number of Expense Reports Number of unique Expense Reports created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of Total Expense Report Types Number of unique Expense Report types created, submitted or on User’s profile (ex. Travel, P-Card, Event) Concur
Number of Travel Expense Reports Number of unique Travel Expense Reports created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur

Number of Procurement Card Expense Reports
Number of unique Procurement Card Expense Reports created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of Event Expenses and Other Reimbursements Reports Number of unique Event Expenses or Other Reimbursement Expense Reports created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of T&E Line Payments Number of total T&E card lines from Expense Reports created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of Pcard Line Payments Number of total P-Card lines from Expense Reports created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of Employee Line Payments Number of total payments to employee lines from Expense Reports created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of Non-employee Line Payments Number of total Non-employee lines from Expense Reports created, submitted or on User’s profile Concur
Number of Reports Sent Back to User Number of unique expense reports sent back to user at any point during approval process Concur
Percentage of Reports Sent Back to User Percentage of Reports sent Back to user = Number of Reports Sent Back to User divided by Number of Expense Reports Concur

Release Notes

Report release notes
Date Release Notes
2/4/2025 Budget & Finance Weekly Digest This New Report, separate from the Fund Manager Workload Dashboard (formerly Staff Workload Dashboard), will be useful for assessing fiscal assistant (aka admin assistant or faculty assistant) workloads. Data is sourced mainly from Concur. Metrics will include number of delegates, numbers of requests created and submitted, travel & event requests, and more.