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Nuances between PPM and GL Data

Nuances between PPM and GL Data

  • Campus Operating Plan (EPBCS) allocations are in the General Ledger at the project level only and are visible together with PPM detailed expenditure data only through reporting. Allocations are visible with summarized expenditure data in the General Ledger.
  • External revenue generated through PPM Contracts is visible on the contract at the task level, through MyProjects in OFC and through reporting at a detailed, task level and summarized in the General Ledger at the project level.
  • External revenue not generated through PPM Contracts are in the General Ledger at the project level only and are visible together with PPM detailed expenditure data only through reporting. This revenue is visible with summarized expenditure data in the General Ledger. See section 2.3.2 for more information about the revenue distinctions.
  • POET(AF) is used to transact in PPM whereas the chart string is used to transact in the GL. See section 1.5 for more information.
  • POET or POETAF is only used in the PPM subledger not in the GL.
  • PPM displays Payables costs at time of payment approval. The GL shows this expense and a payable liability when an invoice has been approved and shows a withdrawal of cash when paid. PPM tracks a Cost Commitment until the payable is paid.