General Ledger Segment Guidance
Find chart string segment guidance to properly record transactions in the ledger.
An Entity is a subset of the University reporting unit that is either a separate legal entity, a separately funded state agency or is required to issue its own financial statements. Entity identifies the major operational unit within the UC system.
OFC Entity |
OFC Entity Title |
16110 |
Academic Affairs |
16120 |
Marine Science |
16130 |
Health Science |
16143 |
Health Physician Group |
16144 |
Population Health Svc Orgn (PHSO) |
16150 |
Chief Financial Officer |
16160 |
Student Affairs |
16170 |
Resource Management and Planning |
16180 |
Research Affairs |
16191 |
Academic Senate |
16192 |
Office of the President |
16193 |
Advancement |
16194 |
Equity Diversity Inclusion |
16195 |
Chancellor |
16196 |
Campus Organizations |
16198 |
Sanford Consortium |
99941 |
Medical Center UCOP Elimination Entries |
16242 |
CEO of Medical Center |
16499 |
UCSD UCOP Current (ALPHA ledger ALPHA funds) |
16597 |
UCSD Foundation |
99941 |
Medical Center UCOP Elimination Entries |
A Fund is the high-level classification of the source of funds for a transaction and tracks restrictions and designations.
OFC Fund Category |
Fund Category Description |
Unrestricted |
All other Funds not defined below which may be used for general operations of the University |
Restricted Expendable |
These Assets may be fully expended but only for specific purposes identified by the donor or external entity providing the Funds |
Restricted Nonexpendable |
Endowment and similar type Funds in which donors or other third parties have stipulated, as a condition of the gift, that the principal be maintained inviolate and in perpetuity, and invested for the purpose of producing present and future income, which may either be expended or added to principal |
Net Investment in Capital Assets (NICA) |
These represent the university’s net investment in campus facilities, equipment and infrastructure, net of outstanding debt obligations related to these capital assets |
Agency Funds |
These are Funds held at the university on behalf of another entity for which UCSD has custodial responsibility |
Financial Unit
A Financial Unit represents a Unit with an ongoing business objective, with a responsible individual with fiscal authority over budget and costs, an identifiable group of employees, and generally physical space. Every FinUnit must submit its own budget. FinUnit will also be used for approvals, routing, and authorizations.
OFC Financial Unit (Level 1 Title) |
First 2 Digits |
Academic Affairs |
10 |
Marine Science |
20 |
Health Science |
30 |
Medical Center UCOP Elimination Entries |
41 |
CEO of Medical Center |
42 |
Health Physician Group |
43 |
Population Health Svc Orgn |
44 |
Chief Financial Officer |
50 |
Student Affairs |
60 |
Resource Management and Planning |
70 |
Research Affairs |
80 |
Academic Senate |
91 |
Office of the President |
92 |
Advancement |
93 |
Equity Diversity Inclusion |
94 |
Chancellor |
95 |
UC San Diego |
96 |
Foundation |
97 |
Sanford Consortium |
98 |
99 |
Standard Accounts are Asset, Liability, Revenue, Expense, or Fund Balance/Equity.
Accounts have an inherent natural balance as being either a Debit or Credit balance. This means that when there is an increase in the Account type, the inherent nature of that Account determines whether there will be a Debit or Credit. The natural balance of OFC Account Types starting with 1 through 5 are standard.
OFC Account Type |
Starting Digit |
Natural Balance (Debit/Credit) |
Assets |
1xxxxx |
Debit |
Liabilities |
2xxxxx |
Credit |
Fund Balance/Net Position/Equity |
3xxxxx |
Credit |
External Revenues |
4xxxxx |
Credit |
External Expenses |
5xxxxx |
Debit |
Revenue and Expense Internal Transfers |
7xxxxx |
Both - Debit and Credit* |
UCOP Revenue Allocations |
74xxxx |
Credit |
UCOP Expense Allocations |
75xxxx |
Debit |
EMF Subcontracts - Between Campuses |
72xxxx |
Both - Debit and Credit* |
Recharges between Campuses |
78xxxx |
Both - Debit and Credit* |
Internal Recharges |
77xxxx |
Both - Debit and Credit* |
Med Center/Campus Transfers |
73xxxx |
Both - Debit and Credit* |
Other Changes in Net Position |
8xxxxx |
Both - Debit and Credit* |
*These are unique UCSD Account Types with processes requiring both Debit and Credit balance increases
A Function designates the NACUBO Higher Ed purpose of an expense.
OFC Function |
Title |
Description |
400 |
Instruction |
Instruction includes expenditures for most activities that are part of UC's instruction program including:
•expenditures for department chairpersons who are also instructors
Note: This excludes the following: |
410 |
Summer Session |
Summer Session includes unique instructional and administrative activities in operation during a summer session, interim session, or other period not associated with an institutions' academic term and which are incurred solely a result of conducting a special session (e.g. faculty salaries) |
420 |
Teaching Hospitals |
Teaching Hospitals includes expenditures associated with patient care operations of a hospital including nursing and other professional services, general services, administrative services, fiscal services, and charges for physical plant operations and institutional support |
440 |
Research |
Research includes expenditures for the following:
600 |
Libraries | Libraries includes expenditures for all activities that directly support the operation of a catalogued or otherwise classified collection of published materials This includes acquisition, preservation, display and maintenance of collections |
610 |
University Extension | University Extension includes expenditures for actives (both credit and noncredit) that are conducted to provide instruction to the members of the community or other groups external to the institution |
620 |
Public Service | Public Service includes expenditures for activities established primarily to provide non-instructional services beneficial to individuals and groups associated with particular sectors of the community outside the institution, such as community service programs (excluding instruction activities) cooperative extension services, conferences, institutes, general advisory services, reference bureaus, ratio and television, consulting, and similar non-instructional services |
640 |
Operations & Maintenance of Plant |
Operations and Maintenance of Plant includes:
680 |
Student Services | Student Services includes expenditures for the admissions and registrar's offices and for activities whose primary purpose is to contribute to a student's emotional and physical well-being and intellectual, cultural and social development outside the context of a formal instruction program |
720 |
Institutional Support | Institutional Support includes expenditures for central executive level activities; fiscal operations; administrative data processing; space management; employee personnel and records; logistical activities; faculty and staff support services that are not operated by an auxiliary enterprise and activities involving community and alumni relations |
760 |
Auxiliary Enterprises | Auxiliary Enterprises includes expenditures that exist to furnish goods or services to students, faculty, or staff and are managed essentially as self-supporting activities This category also includes all expenditures relating to the operation of auxiliary enterprises, including expenditures for operation and maintenance of plant and institutional support |
780 |
Scholarships and Fellowships/Student Financial Aid |
Student Financial Aid includes expenditures for:
790 |
Department of Energy Laboratories | Department of Energy laboratories includes expenditures associated with federally funded Department of Energy research laboratories at Berkeley, Livermore, and Los Alamos |
800 |
Provisions for Allocation |
Provisions for Allocation category includes funds held for subsequent allocation to campus departments or programs including:
The Program segment is used to record revenue and expense transactions associated with a formalized set of on-going activities that are UCOP system-wide programs.
The Project segment in the General Ledger chart string is entered as zero value (i.e., 0000000) unless the department needs to reference a Project in the PPM module. The Project Portfolio Management (PPM) module in Oracle tracks projects that are designated as sponsored, capital, or general (lines of service or cost tracking). Each is auto-assigned a unique project number.
See Project Administration for PPM project guidance and requests.
- CAAN numbers will start with a "C". Location titles will come from Tririga.
- Locations with no CAAN number will start with "N". Location titles should include name of location (or city) with street address.
- Ships will start with "S". Location titles will include the name of the ship.
OFC Location starts with |
Location Description |
C |
Building in Tririga |
G |
General Improvement |
F |
Infrastructure |
B |
Library |
L |
Leasehold |
A |
Intangible |
P |
Prorated |
R |
Real Estate |
S |
Software |
V |
Ship/Vessel |
T |
Modular office/trailer/portable |
N |
User defined |
Activity classifies a transaction by activity where PPM is not appropriate, such as credit card merchant accounts.
OFC Activity |
Starting with |
Credit Card Clearing Merchant Account |
CCxxxx |
Internal Loan |
ILxxxx |