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NGN Communications Access Billing

Find out how UCSD's Next Generation Network (NGN) billing works.

Effective for the accounting period of July 2024, NGN is planned to be posted in the same accounting period month as payroll. Prior to this update, NGN posted one month in arears since the transition to OFC, with the exception of June accounting period for fiscal year-end closing.

Coming Soon! The NGN Recharge Report will receive a facelift in July 2024. The updated report is a result of the automated NGN recharge billing program being refactored to become more efficient and integrated with new systems. Users can expect to see the report improve with this update, with more detailed fields and field header definitions.

NGN Recharge Summary Report

A flat monthly charge is levied automatically for each campus employee who qualifies as a Communication User, as determined by the employee's payroll job code. This charge replaced telephone line and computer network charges. Charges normally follow the employee's payroll effort percentage and chart strings. Due to the complexity of the NGN retro logic, NGN only follows retro payroll transactions looking back 12 months from the current billing period. Retro transactions over 12 months back will need to be corrected by the department via a cost transfer.

A UCSD employee is considered a Communication User when other employees in the same job (title) code generally use a telephone and/ or the UCSD data communications network as part of their daily work. A campus-wide committee evaluated every job title and determined whether the majority of its constituents did or did not qualify. Employing the "Communication User" category as a basis for charging is not meant to be a precise reflection of individual use, but rather a fair mechanism for aggregating and averaging communications charges over departments.

It is important to note that NGN is a socialized cost model that distributes the cost of maintaining the network and data infrastructure. 

  • See a list of Communication User Job Codes
    • Determines whether an employee, based on their job code, will be charged NGN or not.
  • See a list of Communication User Groups Assigned by Directory Location
    • Determines which NGN rate the employee will be charged, based on their Directory location. See table of Communication User Groups below.
    • Remote and Telecomute employees are not excluded from NGN and do not have a separate rate. The location assigned to an employee's Directory profile should reflect the physical location of their employing home department.

See approved rates in the chart below:

Communication User Groups 21/22 22/23* 23/24 24/25 25/26
On-Campus $101.44 $106.51 $111.84 $117.43 $123.30
Off-Campus $50.73 $53.27 $55.93 $58.73 $61.66
Med Center $36.39 $38.21 $40.12 $42.13 $44.23
Graduate Students $30.44 $31.96 $33.56 $35.24 $37.00
Public Computer Labs $26.46 $27.78 $29.17 $30.63 $32.16

* 22/23 Rate Effective for September 2022 NGN (posted 1 month in arears the accounting period of October 2022)

Charges to Contracts & Grants:

  • Faculty Contracts & Grants: Charges are assessed on the funds from which faculty salaries are paid, including grants, contracts, start-up funds, and other sources. The percentage of NGN charge assessed to any fund source, including a grant or contract, will be the percentage of salary on that fund source.
  • Other Academics and Staff are charged as Communication Users at the percentage of their salary on the contract/grant, up to 100%.
  • Contracts & grants are not charged for Graduate Students. NGN fees for graduate students are paid by the Vice Chancellor areas.

Monthly Fees Include:

  • Voice services: Basic voice service (digital or analog telephone line), customer service, feature packages for phones, line repairs, and technical support
  • Data services: Switched Ethernet data service, on- and off-campus network access, electronic mail services, DHCP service, line repairs, and technical support
  • Wiring: Fiber optic cables between buildings and category 5 (or better) cables inside buildings
  • Equipment: Upgrades for backbone and building network switches
  • Wireless: Wireless data network access in selected public areas and classrooms, and in new building upgraded projects
  • Local and domestic long distance calls (after July 1, 2006)

Monthly Fees Do Not Include:

  • Installations, moves, or changes for data and voice lines
  • Telephone and computer instruments
  • Voicemail
  • Experimental networks and exceptionally high bandwidth needs
  • Special-use rooms and computer labs
For more information, please submit a Services & Support ticket - select service: NGN