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Standing Committee on Service and People Oriented Administrative Culture (SC-SPOC)


The purpose of the Standing Committee on Service and People Oriented Administrative Culture (SC-SPOC) is to be a bridge to leadership; a network for faculty, researchers and staff; and a radar for campus.

A Bridge to Leadership

SC-SPOC will recommend to the Chancellor the support of bold, unprecedented solutions that have been vetted and have strong potential to create administrative improvements and efficiencies, which are key to fulfilling objectives under Goal 5 of the Strategic Plan.

A Network for Faculty, Researchers, and Staff

SC-SPOC will provide a forum that connects key stakeholders from across campus who are interested in implementing innovative process improvements, but may require greater partnerships to develop project plans, take action, or accelerate progress – for example, collaborative and strategic partnerships that cross Vice Chancellor areas, or campus-wide input via sponsored IdeaWave campaigns.

A Radar for Campus

SC-SPOC will track the impact of committee-supported initiatives as it relates to a commitment to service and people, and communicate this impact to the community in order to promote service and people-oriented decision-making as a part of the UC San Diego culture.

By supporting collaborative, bold initiatives that improve administrative effectiveness, the campus continues to define itself as a model public university.


  • A high-level, cross-functional perspective on critical issues, opportunities, and unique capabilities and programs that will positively impact the attainment of a service- and people-oriented culture on campus.
  • An objective perspective that drives a balance of administrative and operational efficiency with service delivery in support of UC San Diego’s mission, and validation that this is accomplished.
  • Guidance on the initial screening criteria for initiatives.
  • Ongoing guidance and recommendations on initiative selection, prioritization, resource implications, and ongoing viability.
  • Advice on specific issues and opportunities related to initiatives, and help facilitate a collaborative working relationship across the campus.


The Standing Committee on Service and People Oriented Administrative Culture (SC-SPOC), composed of faculty, administrative staff, campus leaders, and subject matter experts.   The committee is led by SC-SPOC Chair, Lisa D. Ordóñez, Ph.D., Dean of Rady School of Management and SC-SPOC Co-Chair Cheryl A.M. Anderson, Ph.D., MPH, MS, Dean of the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science.


The standing committee is a general committee with an ongoing schedule that provides regular status updates to the Chancellor’s Cabinet. The full committee meets frequently, however members and advisors also join ad hoc groups, which are devoted to special topics and exist only as long as necessary. Ad hoc groups include at least one member and one advisor as well as campus subject matter experts to provide appropriate and balanced assessment of potential projects. Implementation of approved projects will be delegated to appropriate specialists.

Staff support for the committee is provided by Kris Hergert, Director Innovation Strategy and the Office of Operational Strategic Initiatives, led by Executive Director Bob Neuhard

2023-2025 SC-SPOC Members

Lisa Ordóñez – Chair and Dean Rady School of Management
Cheryl Anderson – Co-Chair and Dean Wertheim School of Public Health
Alex Khalessi – Dept. Chair and Chair Neurological Surgery
Kazim Ali – Dept. Chair and Chair Literature
Allorah Pradenas – Advisor and AVC/Chief of Staff for Chief Financial Officer
Anne Curtis – Advisor and Director Human Resources
Brianne Decker- Advisor and Director Campus VCHS Research Service Core
Bryce Besser – Advisor and Manager Campus Environment Health & Safety
Carlos Jensen – Advisor and Professor Academic Affairs
Dulce Dorado – Advisor and Director International Students & Programs Office
Faith Hawkins – Advisor and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Vice Chancellor Research Affairs
Jason Kayne – Advisor and Director Resource Management & Planning
Joanna Boval – Advisor and Director Office for Students with Disabilities
Kevin Chou – Advisor and Executive Director Information Technology Services
Susan Fila – Advisor and Executive Director Student Health and Wellbeing
Bob Neuhard – Administration and Exec Director Office of Operational Strategic Initiatives
Angela Song – Administration and Senior Director Office of Operational Strategic Initiatives
Kris Hergert – Administration and Director Office of Operational Strategic Initiatives

2019-2021 SC-SPOC Members

Truong Nguyen – Chair of SC-SPOC and Professor/Chair, Electrical and Computer
Tai Ming Cheung – Director, Institute on Global Conflict & Cooperation and Professor, School of Global Policy & StrategyEngineering
Maripat Corr – Vice Chair, Academic Senate and Professor, Medicine, Rheumatology Section Head
Sanjiv Erat – Associate Professor of Innovation, Technology and Operations, Rady School of Management
Wayne Farquharson – MSO, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, SIO
Steven Ford – Chief Operating Officer, Chemistry
Irene Hom – MSO, Bioengineering
Christine Hunefeldt – Professor, Department of History
Barbara Jackson – Chief Administrative Officer, Music
Andrina Marshall – Associate Dean, Skaggs School of Pharmacy
Charles Nager – Chair of Reproductive Medicine
Carol Padden – Dean, Division of Social Sciences
Tajana Simunic Rosing – Professor, Computer Science & Engineering & Director of System Energy Efficiency Lab
Kaustuv Roy
 – Professor of Ecology, Behavior and Evolution
George Sugihara – Professor, SIO, Biological Oceanography and McQuown Chair, Distinguished Professor of Natural Science

2019-2021 SC-SPOC Advisors

Jennifer Bourque – Director, Academic Research Personnel
Evelyn Hidalgo – Associate Dean, Academic & Education Administration, Health Sciences
John Hughes – Senior Director, Finance, Facilities and Operations
Stephen Jackson – Assistant Vice Chancellor, Resource Management Planning
Luis Legaspi – Staff Association President, Study Abroad Advisor
Nancy Resnick – Chief Human Resources Officer
Steven Ross – Associate Vice Chancellor for Resource Administration, Academic Affairs
Thomas Savides – Chief Experience Officer, ACMO, Medical Staff Affairs

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