Practice Wildfire Safety
Last Updated: November 4, 2024 2:29:11 PM PST
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Find resources about how to prepare for and practice wildfire safety.
Create a Disaster plan
- Create your department emergency action plan.
- Create your department continuity plan.
- Practice and review your plans.
- Did you include escape routes, plans for staying in touch if separated by disaster (pick meeting place and an out-of-state contact)?
- Post emergency telephone numbers.
- Learn first aid and CPR. Contact your local American Red Cross chapter or UC San Diego Recreation for training.
- Learn how to use a fire extinguisher.
Assemble an Emergencies Supplies kit
- Store these supplies in sturdy, easy-to-carry containers such as backpacks, duffle bags, or trash containers. Keep one kit in your home, car, and workplace.
- Listen to your battery-operated radio for reports and evacuation information
- If advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
- Wear protective clothing and footwear.
- Take your Emergency Supplies kit and personal belongings.
- Tell someone you left and where you are heading.
If you discover a fire
- Activate the fire alarm and call for help.
- Campus phones: call 911
- Other phones: call (858) 534-4357
- UC San Diego Medical Center: call Security at 6111
- What to do if you discover a fire (for large or small fires).
If you are caught in a wildfire
- Don't try to outrun the blaze.
- Seek out hoses or a body of water. If there's none nearby, remain low to the ground and cover your body with wet clothing.
- To minimize inhaling smoke, breathe close to the ground, through a moist cloth.
- Check with fire officials before attempting to return.
- Be careful about smoldering and sparks. Consult UC San Diego experts on hot spots.
- If injuries or damage occurred, notify the Risk Management Office, (858) 534-3820.
- Report used extinguishers as soon as possible:
- Campus: Facilities Management Service Referral Desk, (858) 534-2930
- UC San Diego Medical Center-Hillcrest: Facilities Engineering Help Desk, (619) 543-6454
- UC San Diego Medical Center-Thornton: Facilities Engineering Help Desk, (858) 657-6400
- Wildfire and Air Quality Index
- California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
- Ash and Debris Cleanup Guidance, SD County and SD Regional Water Quality Control Board
- Burn Institute: Nonprofit health agency dedicated to reducing the number of burn injuries and deaths in local counties
- Safety Tips: Wildland Fires, City of San Diego
- Firesafe: Fire and safety resource directory for San Diego County
Contact EH&S Emergency Management & Business Continuity, (858) 246-0695.