COIR Training FAQ
Last Updated: January 18, 2017 10:58:34 AM PST
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Expand section UC compliance and conflict of interest briefing for researchers (Compliance Briefing)
What is the Compliance Briefing?
The UC Office of Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services designed the Compliance Briefing to raise awareness of the University of California Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct, and to convey University employment obligations with respect to ethical and compliant behavior. This Compliance Briefing will discuss a number of principles and requirements related to ethical conduct and conflicts of interest. These topics include:
- Ethical decision-making
- General concerns about conflicts of interest
- State and Federal requirements for conflicts of interest disclosure and management
- Scientific journal policies on conflicts of interest
- Conflicts of commitment
How do I access the Compliance Briefing?
The Compliance Briefing is available on the UC Learning Center. To access the UC Learning Center, go to, select "personal tools" and then the UC Learning Center link. The course will be populated in your “To Do List.” You can also access the UC Learning Center directly at (search for “Compliance & Conflict of Interest for Researchers Briefing (COIR)”).
Expand section Briefing requirements
Why do I have to do this?
The UC Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services has mandated that identified researchers at each campus complete the Compliance Briefing. The University of California is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in furtherance of our mission of teaching, research and public service. In addition, University policy states the important principle that University researchers must be free to pursue knowledge and that this freedom, which is essential to the research process, must not lightly be abridged. When a researcher has a financial interest of the sort defined in the University Conflict of Interest Code that requires disclosure, it is possible that his or her judgment may appear to some to be affected by potential financial gain rather than by the pursuit of knowledge. Therefore, the Compliance Briefing was designed to collectively address issues related to ethical conduct and conflict of interest in research to assure the public that University researchers follow fundamental principles central to the research process.
Why do I have to take this briefing and others on campus do not?
Only identified researchers are required to complete the online Compliance Briefing. The UC Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services identified job titles that they believed would likely be involved with externally funded research. Then, from that population of individuals, they screened those who had received a portion of their salary from extramural funding sources.
By what date do I have to complete the Compliance Briefing?
You are required to complete the Compliance Briefing within ninety (90) days of the date on which you receive your notification of the assignment. The Compliance Briefing will remain available to you throughout the year. You are encouraged to bookmark the link to the Compliance Briefing so that you may refer to it in the future.
I have already completed other online and departmental trainings. Do I have to do this one as well?
Yes. Any prior required training you may have received was developed to deal with issues specific to a departmental requirement or to a state or federal regulatory agency. This course is designed specifically for eligible researchers who were identified using their academic titles and their funding sources. The Compliance Briefing is designed to help researchers recognize and deal with ethical issues and conflict of interest situations that may arise during their work and to be aware of and understand the UC Systemwide expectations when faced with these situations. This Compliance Briefing is not interchangeable with any other conflict of interest or ethics training.
Expand section Briefing format
How long does it take to complete the Briefing?
The briefing is designed to take approximately 30 – 45 minutes to complete. Individual experiences may vary. The program will allow you to save and re-enter the Compliance Briefing at a later time.
If I only have time to do part of it, can I complete it later?
Yes, the Compliance Briefing does not need to be completed all at once; if you need to return to the briefing, the program will take you directly to the uncompleted portion of the briefing.
Can this Briefing be taken as an in-person program?
No, the Compliance Briefing is only available online via the UC Learning Center.
Expand section Completing the briefing
What happens after I complete the Compliance Briefing?
After you complete the Compliance Briefing, you will receive an email from the UC Learning Center. Your completion will be automatically recorded. You should keep a copy of the email for your records.
Does my score matter or does anyone know how I did?
The Compliance Briefing is designed to raise awareness of potential conflict of interest situations and to promote ethical conduct. Your score is not tracked. The system tracks only whether you have completed the Compliance Briefing and the amount of time taken to complete it.
For more information, contact our main desk at (858) 534-9758.