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Funding Resources for Researchers

Find resources to help UC San Diego researchers find funding for projects.

Resources and services across campus support investigators seeking funding for research activities.

Based in the Office of Research Affairs, the Research Development team (RD, previously known as RPDS) supports investigators throughout campus in developing large, interdisciplinary, and/or strategic proposals. RD also assists  investigators with identifying and prioritizing funding opportunities, and by facilitating strategic partnerships with organizations on and off campus that can make proposals more competitive. RD provides curated resources to support a variety of common funding pursuits, such as recurring early-career programs. 

Funding Opportunities

Researchers are encouraged to explore:

  • Internal and UC-wide funding programs – links to Academic Senate, seed grant, curricular innovation, inclusive excellence, commercialization, and other funding programs.
  • External federal funding - links to sponsors’ websites, mail lists, funding databases, and other resources to find federal, state, and private funding.
  • Foundation funding - strategies, guidance, and upcoming deadlines for engaging with philanthropic funders.
  • Corporate relations - support for connecting with industry.
  • Limited submissions - funding opportunities that limit the number of proposals or nominations an institution may submit.

Campus Listservs

Investigators and those who support them are encouraged to subscribe to mail lists to receive timely announcements of limited-submission opportunities, a monthly research-development newsletter, and other related notifications:

For more information contact Research Development.