Office of Research and Innovation Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Information on the Office of Research and Innovation Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (ORI-EDI) initiatives and committee.
About Office of Research and Innovation EDI
Mission Statement
- To promote a culture that champions justice and equity, diversity and inclusion in research and scholarly activities within the UC San Diego research enterprise by:
- building a community that amplifies all voices and respects all identities;
- providing educational resources and programming to foster growth opportunities;
- and, ensuring diverse representation across the Office of Research and Innovation community.
Committee's Mission
The Office of Research and Innovation Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee strives to advance the UC San Diego research enterprise by embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and values at the core of everything we do. We are committed to giving voice to our community, enhancing and celebrating our diversity and fostering a culture of inclusive excellence.
Committee's Vision
We aspire to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace where all are welcome and valued; are comfortable bringing their authentic selves; and have the opportunity, resources and support to thrive.
Strategic Objectives
- Advancement: Within a transparent pipeline, ensure EDI-specific concerns are addressed regarding career advancement.
- Culture: Celebrate and prioritize culture and diversity to strengthen the culture and climate within Research Affairs
- Hiring and Recruitment: Expand Equity, Diversity and Inclusion hiring practices in Research Affairs.
Read the Committee’s recommended strategies that have been approved by Research Affairs Leadership.
- Devon Tolliver, Office of Research and Innovation
- Mady Paley, Research Compliance and Integrity
- Amanda (Lin) Li, Office of Research and Innovation
- Andrea Lupu, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Brittney De Alicante, Office of Research and Innovation
- Chris Chamberlain, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Christopher Theissen, Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences
- Cyndi Meeves, Core Services
- Devora Rossi, Office of Innovation and Commercialization
- Dmitri Orlov, Center for Energy Research
- Ian Garcia, Animal Care Program
- Inés Gonzalo, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Ivan Hernandez, Research Compliance and Integrity
- Japhet Perez Estrada, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Karen Gutierrez, Office of Research and Innovation
- Kathleen Zapien, Research Compliance and Integrity
- Kent Osborn, Animal Care Program
- Leah Williams, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Lisa Gu, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Luz Molina, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Mayra Estrada, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Muriel Croom, Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences
- Ngozi Corbett, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Nicole MacSween, Office of Contract & Grant Administration
- Sergio Montoya, Center for Memory and Recording Research
- Shane Moise, Office of Innovation and Commercialization
- Stephanie Watson, Office of Research and Innovation
The Research and Innovation EDI Advisory Committee meets quarterly. Research Affairs staff can get involved and participate in EDI Committee meetings at any time. Join the committe! Email us at
Event and Meeting Calendar
Research Affairs EDI Committee Pillars
- Remember to be kind to one another. We’re in this together.
- Speak to your own experience and try to understand, accept and trust others’ experiences too.
- Intent versus Impact. Take responsibility for your impact.
- Respect others’ stories. Share the lesson, not the story.
- Make space—engage in active listening. Take space—make sure your voice is heard.
- Right to pass. Recognize the need for self-care. Take a moment if you need to process.
- Bring your full self, be present and stay engaged.
- Remember these words as we work through tough topics and conversations: perspective, humility, humor, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, generosity, compassion, transparency, and trust.
- We’re learners, not judgers. Speak to the message and not the messenger.
- Lean into discomfort. Accept non-closure and allow continued space and time to grow and reflect.
- Recognize your role and power and privilege. Understand your role and consider how it impacts others on your team or on the campus at large.
Get Involved / Provide Feedback
If you have questions, comments or concerns about this website, EDI practices in Research and Innovation or on campus, or wish to provide other feedback, you may do so using this anonymous form. If you require a response, you may include your contact information. Interested in joining the committee? Email us at
- Visit UC San Diego’s Multicultural Calendar webpage to learn about heritage months and other events.
- Learn more about UC San Diego’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
- Read about the university’s Principles of Community.
- University of California diversity resources and events.
- Anti-racist resources from our librarians: and
- Bias against Asian Americans:
- Free, non-UC interactive harassment prevention and bystander intervention trainings.
- Book lists on best books for diversity in the workplace:
- The Institute of Engineering in Medicine (IEM) is committed to partnering with the broader San Diego community to help develop approaches that address unmet health-related needs, particularly for those communities that are marginalized or underserved. The GEMSTONES Community Engagement Award is intended to provide funding support for faculty co-investigators from engineering, health or social sciences to mentor and supervise teams of undergraduate or graduate students in developing projects aiming to generate solutions to community-defined needs or planning new research projects that better address community-identified needs. Annual awards of up to $10,000 will support the community outreach, networking, engagement research, mentoring and outreach activities of faculty co-investigators working with undergraduate or graduate students on defining, establishing and advancing research projects that address unmet health-related needs in cooperation with diverse communities. This program particularly encourages applications for projects that will connect students to community members and organizations.
Implicit Bias Resources:
- Project Implicit IAT – Harvard Implicit Bias Tests
- Book on Implicit Bias: (A. Greenwald and M.R. Banaji)
- Implicit Bias series
- BruinX seven-part implicit bias video series
- UC Implicit Bias Resources
- Managing Implicit Bias: Awareness: Quick Reference Guide
- Managing Implicit Bias: Mindfulness and Conscious Debiasing: Quick Reference Guide
- The impact of multiculturalism versus color-blindness on racial bias
Intersectionality and Bias Resources:
- Intersectionality and compounding bias:
- Article:
Who to Call? Resources
Resources on who to call when you or someone else is experiencing a behavioral health crisis and, for a variety of reasons, you may not want to call the police.
Local Resource 1) San Diego Access and Crisis Line @ +1 (888) 724-7240
This confidential and free-of-charge talk line is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and monitored by Master's-level and Licensed Clinicians. The counselors average 16 years of clinical experience in a variety of backgrounds, including: emotionally disturbed youth, geriatric social services, nursing, in-home domestic violence intervention, case management, and drug and alcohol abuse. Language interpreter services enable the ACL to assist in 150 languages within seconds. This service can help callers navigate community resources in San Diego County and/or support accessing counseling services.<.p>
Local Resource 2) San Diego County hospitals specializing in Behavioral Health
If someone needs urgent mental health support they can go directly to anyone at one of these hospitals. These hospitals provide mental health support and also accept Medi-Cal insurance: Bayview Hospital, Grossmont Hospital, Palomar Hospital, Paradise Valley Hospital, Mesa Vista Hospital, University of San Diego Hospital
Local Resource 3) Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT)
If someone is experiencing a behavioral health crisis, emergency assistance can be requested through San Diego County Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT). This service sends out a Therapist into the community to assess if someone is a Danger to themselves (DTS) or a Danger to others (DTO). This service is partnered with the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) and can be reached by calling (619) 531-2065.
Resource 4) Trans Lifeline @ +1 (877) 565-8860
"Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people."
Visit their website at
Resource 5) Call BlackLine @ +1 (800) 604-5841
"BlackLine provides a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences to folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens. Call BlackLine prioritizes BIPOC."
Visit their website at
EDI-Themed Zoom Backgrounds
Below are a collection of Zoom backgrounds that have an EDI theme or focus. More will be added in the future. If you have any suggestions for a background, please email
February - Black History Month 1; Black History Month 2
March - Women's History Month ; Women's History Month 2
May - Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 1; Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2; Mental Health Awareness Month
June - Pride 1, Pride 2, Pride 3, Pride 4
September - Latinx Heritage Month
Please also visit the UC San Diego Teleconferencing-Zoom-Backgrounds site for more options and for regularly added monthly celebration backgrounds.
EDI Committee Newsletter and Events
The ORI-EDI Committee creates a quartly newsletter to celebrate the different cultures, communities, and identities that represent our staff. The published newsletters can be found below.
Many of the ORI-EDI Committee events are not recorded but those that are can be found here. You will need to use your SSO to access the site.