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Multi-Campus Awards for Sponsored Projects

Find information about Multi-Campus Awards (MCAs, formerly known as “intercampus subawards”) for sponsored projects.

Multi-Campus Awards (MCAs)

UC campuses may engage in sponsored projects involving more than one UC campus. The campus receiving an award from an external granting agency is the "prime" campus and the other participating campuses are considered "recipients."


The official Notification of Campus Subaward is generally processed by the prime campus Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) to the recipient campus's OCGA. This includes federal and privately funded grants, contracts, and agreements. For gifts and fellowships, contact the Sponsored Project Finace (SPF) for instructions.

Obtaining an award and project for a Multi-Campus Award

SPF sets up the initial award and project number for an MCA after receiving the information from OCGA. If you are waiting for an MCA and haven't received the award and project number, first confirm that has received the Notification of MCA from the prime campus. If OCGA has not received the notice, contact the prime campus and request that the notification be sent to UCSD. For awards that aren't processed through OCGA, such as gifts, contact Gift Processing.

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