Governance and Advisory
Finance Steering Committee and Advisory Committee Members
Finance Steering Committee and Advisory Committee Members provide leadership, guidance, and decision-making on our financial systems. In addition, members help us collaboratively pursue our mission of achieving fiscal responsibility and integrity to support the world-class mission of UC San Diego in the areas of teaching, research, healthcare, and public service.
FIS Governance Structure

Finance Steering Committee
The Finance Steering Committee is responsible for:
- Reviewing the overall health of the Financial Information System (FIS) and addressing any necessary topics, questions, decision-points, and potential roadblocks.
- Leading the FIS workgroups in the development of policy and guidelines across business
units. This group will be the first level of escalation for issues or decisions that the FIS workgroups are unable to resolve, or that require higher level approval - Approving the financial roadmap for the UC San Diego entities (Campus, Health, and Foundation)
The escalation group one level above the Finance Steering Committee is the Enterprise Information Services Committee (EISC).
Role | Member |
Co-Chairs | Cheryl Ross & Michael Roulan |
Academic Affairs | Dr. On Amir |
Marine Sciences | Dr. Andreas Andersson |
Operations Management and Capital Programs | Reshma Bir |
Foundation Finance and Accounting | Christina Chase |
Health Sciences | Dr. Jeff Daskalakis |
Academic Affairs | Adam DiProfio |
Health Sciences | Agnes Flanagan |
Campus Procurement | Ted Johnson |
ITS Finance Service Owner | Cheryl Kaino |
Health Information Services | Eugene Lee |
Physician's Medical Group and PHSO | Vicki Moore |
Campus Budget Office | Mercedes Munoz |
Health Procurement | TBD |
Medical Center Controller | Lawrence Pineda |
Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Office | Allorah Pradenas |
Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Strategic Design | Marissa Prough |
Internal Controls and Accounting | Arlynn Renslow |
UC Path | TBN |
Finance Operations | Susselys Virgil |
Marine Sciences | Xi Wang |
Business and Financial User Group Chair | Irene Xavier |
Health Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) Strategy | Natalie Zenner |
Budget and Finance User Group (BFG)
The Budget and Finance User Group (BFG) gathers input, helps establish best practices, supports user training, provides feedback on financial reporting requirements, advocates for user needs, and make recommendations to the Finance Steering Committee on the future financial roadmap for UC San Diego.
You can submit a Budget & Finance Enhancement Request for new or modified financial reports, systems, or business processes. All requests go through your VC area BFG members for endorsement. Connect with them to advocate for your needs.
Membership Manager: | VC Area: | Member: | Department/Area of Expertise: |
Arlynn Renslow | Chief Financial Officer | Nickolaus Lekovish | Internal Controls and Accounting |
Chief Financial Officer | Caitlin Chu | CFO Office | |
Jocelyn Pacheco | Chancellor's Office | Jocelyn Pacheco | Chancellor's Office |
Adam DiProfio | Academic Affairs | Hang Phung | Arts & Humanities |
Academic Affairs | Lisa Russon | Engineering Dean's Office | |
Academic Affairs | Lindsay Root | Division of Biological Sciences | |
Agnes Flanagan Rina Davison |
Health Sciences | Wayne Zhang | Controller's Office |
Health Sciences | Chelsea Van Pelt | Research Service Core | |
Health Sciences | Jessica Dixon | OBGYN & Reproductive Services | |
Health Sciences | Nancy Herbst | Biomedical Informatics | |
Xi Wang | Marine Sciences | Grace Wagner | SIO Director's Office |
Marine Sciences | Andrei Koudriavstev | CASPO | |
Kyle Nakanishi | Research Affairs | Kyle Nakanishi | VC Research Affairs |
John Hughes | Student Affairs | John Hughes | VC Student Affairs |
Lynn Goodell | UC San Diego Health | Lawrence Pineda | Medical Center |
UC San Diego Health | Lynn Goodell | Medical Center | |
UC San Diego Health | Vicki Moore | PG/PHSO Controller | |
Christina Chase | Advancement | Erinn Islip | Development VC Operations |
Reshma Bir | Operations Management & Capital Programs (OMCP) | Simona Vieru | Financial Services Unit |
Ex Officio Members:
Membership Manager: | VC Area: | Member: | Department/Area of Expertise: |
Arlynn Renslow | Central Office | Gregory Buchanan | AMAS |
Central Office | Susselys Virgil | Financial Operations | |
Central Office | Amanda Buss | Campus Budget Office | |
Central Office | Kierstin Sykes | Foundation | |
Central Office | Kirt Mitchell | Internal Controls and Accounting | |
Central Office | Nikki Giaquinta | Integrated Procure-to-Pay Solutions | |
Central Office | Rowella Garcia | Sponsored Projects Finance | |
Central Office | TBD | UCPath, EcoTime | |
Central Office | Heather Sears | BI & Financial Reporting | |
Central Office | Marissa Prough | PPM Strategic Design | |
Central Office | Suzan Badawi | Central Reconciliation | |
Chancellor's Advisory Committee Member | Chancellor's Advisory Committee | Patty Camacho | Skaggs School of Pharmacy |
BFG Chair | Budget & Finance Chair | Irene Xavier | Marine Physical Laboratory |
FIS Service Owner | Budget & Finance Core | Cheryl Kaino | IT Services, Finance Service Owner |
FIS Organizational Development | Budget & Finance Core | Ana Portlock | Business and Financial Services |
Budget & Finance Core | Nolan Taylor | Business and Financial Services |