Catering & Bar Services
Instructions for Catering & Bar Services
Per Regents Policy 5402, all full-service catering performed on-campus must be performed by Saltaire Catering. In the event Saltaire Catering cannot perform the services, you must receive approval from Labor Relations before hiring an outside catering company to perform service.To request Labor Relations review and approval, please complete and submit the Rationale for Contracting Covered Services form. Should you have any questions, please contact Labor Relations directly.
Instructions for Catering:
- Visit Saltaire Catering to review your on-campus, full-service catering options. If Saltaire Catering is unable to service your request, they will provide you a Declined Service form. Complete the Rationale for Contracting Covered Services form and submit the completed form to Labor Relations.
- If you are ordering food to be dropped off (without any service/labor) or if you plan to pick up the food, you do not need to complete the Rationale for Contracting Covered Services form or receive approval from Labor Relations.
- For on-campus, full service catering once you receive the Declined Services Form, obtain a quote from your desired caterer.
- Complete an Event Request form in Concur (login required). Once approvals are made, you will receive a PDF Confirmation for the services to send to the supplier. This should satisfy the supplier's need for a signed contract.
- Once the event is completed, complete an Event Expense Report in Concur using the final invoice to process payment.
On-campus, full-service catering services not provided by Saltaire Catering are now processed through Concur and will be invoiced and paid directly in Concur. All other food orders for events can be processed using your Travel & Entertainment Card and reconciled through Concur.
Before you select a caterer/ bar service provider, check with venue/ meeting room coordinator to find out if they will allow you to contract with an outside caterer/ bar service provider at the location selected. Some restrictions may apply. For on-campus events, you can save with Saltaire Catering.Catering FAQ
What is the new outsourcing policy? Where can I find the policy?
The University of California is committed to maintaining a strong in-house workforce and supporting living wages and benefits for employees. To reinforce this commitment, the UC Board of Regents approved Regents Policy 5402 in the fall of 2019, which generally prohibits contracting for ‘Covered Services’.
‘Covered Services’ is work customarily performed by bargaining unit employees at the University including but not necessarily limited to the following services: cleaning, custodial, janitorial, or housekeeping services; food services; laundry services; grounds keeping; building maintenance (excluding skilled crafts); transportation and parking services; security services, billing and coding services, sterile processing, hospital or nursing assistant services, and medical imaging or other medical technician services.
In response to this new policy, all full-service catering funded by UC San Diego and held on the UCSD campus is required to use Saltaire Catering. If for some reason Saltaire Catering is unable to perform the services, they will provide the campus client an official ‘Catering Services Declined’ form. Upon receipt, the campus client must complete the ‘Rationale for Contracting Covered Services’ form and submit to Labor Relations for approval. Once approved, the campus client must attach the completed rationale form to the Concur request.
Read the Regents Policy 5402.
What is the process for getting an exception to policy, in other words, how can I hire an outside caterer?
You’d first go to Saltaire Catering and see if they could provide service for your event. Read more information about them.
If they could not service your event, they would provide you a form stating such. You’d then:
- Complete the Rationale for Contracting Covered Services form.
- Submit to UCSD Labor Relations for review and approval.
- If approved, obtain quote from a UCSD agreement caterer.
- Non-UCSD affiliated caterers are required to pay the equivalent of UC wages and benefits to employees providing services to UC. Requestor is required to notify caterer of the requirement to pay the Parity Rates listed. (will be provided on the HDH Declined Services Form)
- Submit completed Rational for Contracting Covered Services form with the Catering Request in Concur.
What is full-service catering? Does it include a caterer dropping off chafers and platters of food and then leaves, and returns later to pick up the equipment?
Full-service catering refers to any time a caterer is on-campus performing any type of services, including but not limited to, setting up, tearing down, serving food, preparing food.
If an outside caterer quotes our event for less than Saltaire Catering, which do we go with?
Per policy, if UC San Diego can provide the service, regardless of cost, they must be used. However, there is unlikely to be significant price savings (if there are even any savings at all). Per the new policy, outside caterers are required to provide parity wages to their employees for all services performed on UCSD property. This means staff members of outside caterers must be compensated at a rate equal to, or more than, a UCSD employee with the same title including benefits.
Under the new policy, can we still use on-campus providers such as Faculty Club, Croutons, or other on-campus restaurants?
Yes, departments can still use on-campus providers at their on-campus locations. You do not need an exception to policy for using these on-campus providers.
If our event is at SIO or Birch Aquarium, can we use any caterer off of their exclusive list?
You will be required to use Saltaire Catering. If they cannot service your event, you will need to use one of the caterers off of the venues’ exclusive list.
Instructions for Bar Services:
- Obtain a quote from your desired bar service provider.
- Complete an Event Request in Concur (login required). Once approvals are made, you will receive a PDF Confirmation for the services to send to the supplier. This should satisfy the supplier’s need for a signed contract.
- Once the event is completed, complete the expense form in Concur using the final invoice to process payment.
Please review guidelines when alcohol is served at a UC San Diego event or meeting.
List of event related agreement suppliers offering discounts to UC San Diego:
View vendors for other Event Services.