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Meetings and Entertainment: Maximum Meal Expenses

See the maximum per-person allowances for meeting and entertainment expenses.

The maximum amount per person that can be reimbursed for allowable meeting and entertainment occasions varies depending on the meal:

Meal type Maximum per person rates
As of July 1, 2022
Breakfast $31
Lunch $54
Dinner $94
Light refreshment $22

When an expense exceeds the per-person maximum provided in the chart above, it is special entertainment, which:

  • Cannot be charged against state or federal funds
  • Requires approval from the Vice Chancellor

Per-person meal expense is for an entire event and:

  • Includes Pre-meal items (e.g., beverages and hors d'oeuvres), meal, labor, gratuity, sales tax, delivery charges, and other service fees.
  • Does not include: Room rental and setup fees, media rental fees, china, and linen rental, decorations, and other non-meal expenses.

The host is required to provide receipts for departmental review. The receipts must identify both food and beverage charges.

When requesting payment or reimbursement, submit original, itemized receipts to UC San Diego Travel & Expense, if the expense is $75 or more.

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Notice: UC San Diego policy for meetings, entertainment, and hosted events, as published in Blink, is decisive. It has been adapted to UC San Diego's organization, delegation of authority, terminology, chart of accounts, and processing applications. The source is UC Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions.