How to Sign a DocuSign Document
Last Updated: April 11, 2024 4:04:26 PM PDT
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Find how to create a signature and sign a DocuSign document.
When someone sends you a DocuSign document for your electronic signature, you'll receive an email from DocuSign.
1. Review the DocuSign email
- Open the email and review the message from the sender.
- Click View Documents to begin the signing process:
2. Agree to sign electronically
- Read the consumer disclosure.
- Select the checkbox I agree to do business electronically with UC San Diego.
- Click Review Documents:
Note: To view and sign the documents, you must agree to conduct business electronically.
3. Start the signing process
- Click the Start tag on the left side of the screen to start the signing process:
You are taken to the first tag requiring your action.
- Click the Sign Here tag.
4. Adopt your signature (first-time users only)
The first time you use DocuSign, you'll need to adopt a signature:
- Verify that your name and initials are correct. If not, change them as needed.
- Pick a signature font. Your choices are:
- Accept the default signature and initial style.
- Click Change Style and select a different signature option.
- Click Draw. Draw your signature/ initials using a mouse, or your finger or a stylus on a touchscreen.
- Click Adopt and Sign to adopt and save your signature information and return to the document.
5. Confirm signing
- When you finish clicking all signature tags in the document, click Confirm Signing:
- A message will appear stating that you have completed your document.
- You can now download a PDF copy or print a copy of the document.
- The sender will receive a notification email and the signed document will appear in the DocuSign account.
Contact with questions.