Native American Council
The Native American Council (NAC) at UCSD welcomes all staff, faculty and administration who share a passion to celebrate Native American culture.
We value diversity, community, leadership, integrity, inclusiveness and respect. We believe these qualities serve to unite and strengthen our association. We will be truthful with each other and ourselves because our collective success depends upon it.
Our primary focus is to promote the Native American presence on campus. We are committed to the principles of advancing education, health and research at the University. We seek to develop a strong understanding of the languages, cultures, and sovereignty of Native Americans and respectively honor our ancestors and their wisdom. We hope to serve as a clearinghouse for on campus programs and departments, tribal educators, contractors, prospective students, parents and other liaison relationships with Native American staff, faculty and students. We also seek to nurture, advocate and promote Native American history, culture, art and language.
NAC envisions education and community as a partnership in which all participants work toward greater understanding and respect for the richness and diversity of Native American culture. We desire to build and support cooperative relationships with the tribal communities within and around San Diego and other academic institutions.
The purpose of NAC is forward-thinking and inclusive as most native cultures are. Tribal nations come from diverse backgrounds each with unique heritages and cultures. We hope to include the respectful integration of Native American knowledge, cultures and issues in the mainstream of campus life. We also hope to promote and provide quality services to improve the health and wellbeing of Native Americans both on campus and off campus.
We hope to collaborate with other academic and administrative departments and units on campus. We hope to establish and maintain liaisons with these academic and administrative programs, department and units, community groups, regional and national Native American organizations.
In stating this mission and goals we hope to bring awareness of the Native Americans to the campus proper as well as providing a strong partnership with the various Native American organizations and groups in the community.
NAC Board Members
- Tami Arashiro, Chair
- Dina Apple, Vice Chair
- Carri Fierro, Treasurer
- Paula Johnson, Communications Coordinator
- Vanessa Homyak, Membership Coordinator