Last Updated: January 27, 2025 11:37:15 AM PST
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What is the Triton Alert system?
UC San Diego uses a third-party company, Everbridge™, which delivers time-sensitive emergency notifications via text messaging and email to the UC San Diego community.
When will the Triton Alert emergency notification system be used?
In the event of a major emergency (fire, hazardous chemical spill, earthquake, weather emergency, or suspicious activity and/ or threat to safety), you will automatically receive an emergency communication from the system, including text messaging and email, to your registered phone and email address.
Who is eligible to receive Triton Alert notifications? Can my parents/spouse/etc. sign up?
Students, Academics, and Staff
All campus community members, such as students, academics, and staff, will be enrolled automatically in the Triton Alert system via their account. Campus community members must, however, add/update their phone devices if they wish to receive text. Use the Student Triton Alert emergency notification portal and/or the Faculty/Staff Triton Alert emergency notification portal to manage your information.
Affiliates and guests are to text “TRITONALERT” to 888777 in order to receive Triton Alert emergency notifications. Affiliates are typically defined as visiting scholars or grads, post-grads or -docs, volunteers, retirees, family members of students or clergy.
How do I update my contact information and contact preferences?
Students, Academics, and Staff
All campus community members, such as students, academics, and staff, will be prompted annually to update their information when they use any UC San Diego business system (student registration, MyTime, Financial Link, etc.), which utilizes Single-Sign-On. Additionally, campus community members can use the Student Triton Alert emergency notification portal or the Faculty/Staff Triton Alert emergency notification portal to update their information and opt-out anytime they wish.
Affiliates and guests are to text “TRITONALERT” to 888777 in order to receive Triton Alert emergency notifications.
Note: UC San Diego will not verify the accuracy of the contact information you enter. Please check and edit your information as necessary to ensure that it is accurate and up to date.
How frequently would I receive alerts?
It will vary, depending on if and when emergencies occur.
A Triton Alert test notification, however, will occur at least once annually. Testing ensures that the Triton Alert system works properly and that everyone is comfortable with what to expect from the system when it is activated. You will typically be notified in advance of all emergency tests and drills.
Is my personal information secure?
Personal numbers and emails will only be used for official university business. UC San Diego may share this information with the notification service providers. The personal cell phone numbers and emails will be maintained in on- and off-campus databases.
UC San Diego will maintain the confidentiality of such records to the extent permitted by law. For more details regarding privacy concerns, see UC San Diego Policy 160.
Why does my Triton Alert not come from a email address?
The Triton Alert notification system uses an outside service, Everbridge™, to deliver emails and text messages. A Triton Alert email may look like Triton Alert <>. The 'sender' generated by this service contains "Triton Alert" in the address field.
Triton Alert emails will contain a link to acknowledge receipt of the message. Triton Alert text messages will ask you to, “Reply with YES to confirm receipt” or allow you to click on a link to acknowledge receipt of the message.
Confirming you received a Triton Alert allows the system to stop sending subsequent alerts to the contact’s other delivery options, which speeds up delivery to the next contact in the queue. Additionally, confirming receipt allows Emergency Management to enhance the Triton Alert system as needed, by generating reports and analyzing results.
What does opt out mean?
Triton Alert uses an "opt-out" option to allow users to remove their phone devices at any time. (Note: You can remove your phone numbers but you will always receive email emergency notifications if you have a UC San Diego email account). UC San Diego will maintain a record of students, academics and staff choosing to opt-out and the date/time they did so.
UC San Diego adheres to a strict zero spam policy to prohibit unsolicited communications. Those wishing to opt-out of are free to do so by using the Student Triton Alert emergency notification portal, the Faculty/Staff Triton Alert emergency notification portal. To opt-out from the Guest/Affiliate notifications from 888777, please text STOP to 888777.
Please also note that campus community contact information will be removed from the system when there is a change in status (e.g., graduation, retirement, etc.); affiliates must update their profile manually to cancel immediately or select a registration through date to have the system automatically remove them from Triton Alert.
Will there be any text messaging expenses?
Emergency SMS* text notification is a voluntary program. Any SMS-related expenses are the responsibility of the individual. If your calling plan doesn't include text messaging, you will likely be billed by your provider for receiving a text message if you open it. By entering your phone number into Triton Alert, you are acknowledging that you are responsible for any such charges that are incurred.
(*SMS is an acronym for Short Message Service, and is a system for sending short textual messages to devices such as cell phones; also known as text messaging.)
May I use an out-of-state or international phone number?
While subscribing to the service is free of charge, any charges currently associated with your cell phone or another telecommunication service that you subscribe to will be applicable. By subscribing to the Triton Alert, you are acknowledging that you are responsible for any such charges that are incurred.
Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns about Triton Alert?
For questions, comments, and concerns about the Emergency Notification System, email
How often is Triton Alert tested?
UC San Diego tests Triton Alert at least annually.