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EH&S: Radiation Division


  •  Jeff Wagner, CHP

    Jeff Wagner, CHP

    Radiation Safety Officer – Manage UC San Diego's Radiation Safety Programs. After hours emergency responder.

    Phone: (858) 534-9393 Cell: (619) 602-2735 FAX: (858) 822-7763 E-mail: Mail Code: 0920 Office location: Torrey Pines Center South, Suite 450

  • Scott Langford, M.S.

    Scott Langford, M.S.

    Alternate Radiation Safety Officer – Operational management for clinical and research radiation safety at all UC San Diego locations. After-hours emergency responder.

    Phone: (858) 534-1066 Cell: (858) 583-3281 FAX: (858) 822-7763 E-mail: Mail Code: 0920 Office location: Torrey Pines Center South, Suite 450
  • Chris Comfort, CHP

    Chris Comfort, CHP

    Health Systems Radiation Safety Manager  – Operational management for clinical radiation safety at all UC San Diego Health locations. After-hours emergency responder.

    Cell: (858) 688-4651 FAX: (858) 346-9318 E-mail: Mail Code: 0035 Office location: EH&S Services Lab

  • Christine Ng

    Christine Ng

    Radiation Safety Assistant– Manage the Radiation Use Authorization program and provide administrative support for the Radiation Safety Division.

    Phone: (858) 822-2494 FAX: (858) 822-7763 Mail Code: 0920 Office location: Torrey Pines Center South, Suite 450

Health Physicists

  • Kayla vom Dorp, CHP, MHP

    Kayla vom Dorp, CHP, MHP

    Principal Medical Health Physicist – Provide health physics support to UC San Diego Health System departments and facilities. After-hours emergency responder.

    Phone: (858) 752-0738 FAX: (858) 724-3005 E-mail: Mail Code: 0035 Office location: EH&S Services Lab
  • Trung Le, CLSO

    Trung Le, CLSO

    Laser Safety Officer and Health Physicist – Manage the Laser Safety Program for all campus and medical applications of lasers. After-hours emergency responder.

    Phone: (858) 822-2850 Cell: (858) 583-3284 FAX: (858) 822-7763 E-mail: Mail Code: 0920 Office location: Torrey Pines Center South, Suite 450
  • Grant Silva, RRPT

    Grant Silva, RRPT

    Senior Health Physicist – Provide health physics support to UC San Diego Academic departments and facilities. Assist researchers with radiation safety and training. After-hours emergency responder. 

    Phone: (858)-583-3292 E-mail: Mail Code: 0920 Office location: Torrey Pines Center South, Suite 450

  • Vivian Hill

    Vivian Hill

    Health Physicist – Assist researchers with radiation safety and training. Provide health physics support to the Human Exposure Review Committee. 

    Phone: (858) 822-5525 FAX: (858) 822-5524 E-mail: Mail Code: 0920 Office location: Torrey Pines Center South, Suite 450
  • J. Jay Fan, Ph.D.

    J. Jay Fan, Ph.D.

    Health Physicist – Assist researchers with radiation safety and training. Provide health physics support to the Human Radiation Review Committee.

    Phone: 858-822-4137 FAX: 858-822-7763 Mail Code: 0091 Office location: University Center 409
  • Naz Afarin Fallahian, PhD, CHP

    Naz Afarin Fallahian, PhD, CHP

    Senior Health Physicist - Provide health physics support to UC San Diego Health System departments and facilities. After-hours emergency responder.

    Phone: (619) 306-8403 FAX: (858) 346-9318 E-mail: Mail Code: 0035 Office location: EH&S Services Lab

EHS Services Lab

(858) 534-6418

  • Josh Carrieri

    Josh Carrieri

    Health Physicist – Administration of dosimetry, meter calibration, laboratory services recharges, radiation inventory on campus; provide support for the EH&S Services Lab.

    Phone: (858) 246-1296 FAX: (858) 822-5524 E-mail: Mail Code: 0035 Office location: EH&S Services Lab, Environmental Management Facility Annex
  • George Mallett

    George Mallett

    Radiation Safety Assistant Specialist – Provide radiation safety assistance for UC San Diego researchers.

    Phone: (858) 822-1940 Cell: (858) 583-2226 FAX: (858) 822-5524 E-mail: Mail Code: 0035 Office location: EH&S Services Lab, Environmental Management Facility Annex 
  • Oliver Fajardo

    Oliver Fajardo

    EH&S Specialist – Manage the EH&S Services Lab; dosimetry program coordinator. After-hours emergency responder.  .

    Phone: (858) 822-6949 Cell: (858) 692-5947 FAX: (858) 534-9708 E-mail: Mail Code: 0958 Office location: EH&S Services Lab, Environmental Management Facility Annex
  • Lisandro Barbas

    Lisandro Barbas

    Radiation Safety Specialist – Provide radiation safety assistance for UC San Diego researchers. 

    Phone: (858) 281-8825 FAX: (858) 822-5524 E-mail: Mail Code: 0035 Office location: EH&S Services Lab, Environmental Management Facility Annex