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Preparing Proposals

Learn how to prepare proposals for submission at UC San Diego.

Institutional Information

Institutional Codes and Information: (often referred to as “Vital Information”) are codes most commonly needed on proposals (incl. Institutional Legal Name, DUNS numbers, taxpayer identification, and sponsor identification codes).

Research Equipment Resources: A list of current research facilities that are accessible to UCSD faculty, fellows, staff, and students.

Create a Kuali Research Record

Create a Kuali Research Record: For tips and guidance related to entering various agreements into the enterprise system of record.

Kuali Research Systems Training: To register for various eCourses and Virtual Instructor Led training related to the various Kuali modules and to access the Kuali Research Training Guides.

Additional Resources and Help: To get more information on various resources, search the knowledge base and how to contact a Research Administration Client Experience agent.

Proposal Submission Timelines

Refer to important Proposal Submission Timelines guidance to ensure your proposal receives institutional review by the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) and is submitted accurately and by the sponsor deadline.

It is important to follow these guidelines to ensure researchers have the best chance of having their research projects funded by identifying inaccuracies or errors that can be fixed before proposals are submitted for review by funding agencies. By meeting these guidelines, UC San Diego is ensured to be in compliance with ever-critical and changing regulations. 


Direct Costs are those costs specifically identifiable that can be charged directly to the contract or grant (incl. Salaries, Fringe Benefits, Tuition Remission, Consultants, and Equipment.)

Indirect Costs (IDC), also called Overhead or Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs, are those costs not specifically identifiable for any one project or program, but which are valid expenses of conducting research, instruction, and other sponsored activities at UCSD.

  • Federally Negotiated IDC Rates
  • Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)
Cost Sharing represents that portion of the total project costs (direct and/or indirect) of a sponsored agreement borne by the university, rather than by the sponsor.


For more information on the various compliance considerations visit the Compliance page.

Strategic Proposal Guidance

Research Development: Helps researchers find and pursue funding opportunities, produce compelling proposals, and compete more successfully for research funding.

Foundation Relationsfocused on building strong, long-lasting relationships between UC San Diego investigators and the philanthropic organizations that share your vision for your field of study.

Agreement Types and Sponsored Research Activities

Clinical Research and Trials: Links to information on PI-initiated clinical trials.

Outgoing Subawards and Subrecipients: Find information and links about outgoing subawards.


Proposal Reports: Find more information about reports developed by the Research Administration Business Intelligence team.

Submission Systems

Systems, Tools, and Resources: For information on working with various UC San Diego and non-UC San Diego systems.

For more information or questions email