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COVID-19 Campus Resources and Guidelines

Environment, Health and Safety COVID-19 information and resources.

COVID Testing

COVID-19 Testing is recommended for:

  • All people with new COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Close contacts who are at high risk of severe disease* or who have contact with people who are at higher risk of severe disease.
  • If you are part of a workplace outbreak the COVID-19 Prevention regulations still require testing of ALL close contacts in outbreaks.

*Higher-risk individuals include the elderly, those who live in congregate care facilities, those who have immunocompromising conditions, and that put them at higher risk for serious illness.

All students and employees have access to COVID self-administered test kits through over two dozen vending machines located across campus. Each vending machine is stocked with PCR test kits, rapid antigen tests and some vending machines provide masks. Students and employees can obtain up to 2 items from the vending machine daily using their campus ID cards.

Sample pickup schedule:

PCR test samples are picked up Monday through Friday. They are picked up at 12 pm Monday - Thursday; and the last pickup for the week is Friday at 10:00 am. Please do not drop off any PCR samples over the weekend, as they will be invalid tests. Campus holidays may affect pick-up times and days. Please check this page for holiday pick-up schedule updates.

Rapid Antigen tests are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the vending machines. 

Vending machine locations

To ensure the safety of students and employees, UC San Diego provides free testing options to detect and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Students and employees are encouraged to use the self-administered vending machines located across campus, 24hrs a day 7 days a week. 

Locations: Vending Machines can be found on the UC San Diego app or on the map by selecting "Locations," "Services" and clicking on "COVID Test Kits."

  • Muir College | Roots Restaurant (map
  • Seventh College | Next to the Parcel Center (map)  
  • Nuevo East (Porton) | Outdoor Gym Area (map
  • Price Center | First Floor Across from Burger King (map)* 
  • Thurgood Marshall College Res Halls | TMC Residence Life Lobby (map)
  • Warren College | Across from the Residence Life Office (map
  • Eleanor Roosevelt College | Next to the Laundry Room at Student Activity Center (map)
  • Village at Pepper Canyon | Lodge (map)
  • South Mesa | 9126 Laundry Room (map)
  • One Miramar | Next to the Parcel Center (map
  • School of Medicine | Biomedical Research Facility II (map)
  • Revelle College | Argo Hall Parcel Center (map
  • Campus Services Complex | Electric Shop (map
  • South Parking Structure | Level 3 West Entrance (map)
  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography | Eckart Building Loading Dock (map
  • Jacobs School of Engineering | Near Bear Statue (map
  • Gilman Parking | Corridor of Pepper Canyon Hall (map
  • Coast Apartments | Laundry Room (map
  • North Torrey Pines Living and Learning Neighborhood (map
  • Rita Atkinson Residences (map
  • Torrey Pines Center South | Second-floor breezeway near shuttle (map
How to use the vending machines:

If you have trouble with any vending machine, please email and include 1) the vending machine location and 2) the error message you received. If one vending machine gives you an error, you can still try using other vending machines across campus.

Based on your vending machine selection you will need the following;

Rapid Antigen Tests Kits OR Masks

  • Only your campus photo ID

For PCR Test kits

Step 1. Touch screen to begin.

Step 2. Swipe or tap your ID.

  • Test kits are FREE, but a virtual $1.00 debt will appear on your campus card, followed by an immediate $1.00 credit.

Step 3. Select number slot corresponding to the item you want to obtain.

  • Some machines ask you to select the item first before swiping card. If you get an error, try again by switching step #2 and #3.

Step 4. The vending machine will dispense a test kit that includes a test kit, swab, test tube and instructions of use.

Step 5. Leave the vending machine area to take your test.

For PCR tests

  1. Open the UC San Diego app on your smart phone
  2. Select Scan Your COVID-19 Kit
  3. Confirm that the app captured the bar code
  4. Follow instructions to complete your nasal swab

Once done, return to any vending machine for drop-off

  1. Remove the test tube from the clamshell and droop the sample vial on the drop box labeled “DROP SCANNED VIALS ONLY”
    1. Drop off days/hours - Monday to Friday. Last pickup for the week is Friday at 10am.
    2. DO NOT drop off your samples over the weekend. Any sample dropped on the weekend or on a UCSD holiday will not be processed.
  2. Recycle the clamshell by depositing in the labeled recycling bin. COVID Test Kit Plastic Container Bin is right next to the sample drop box.

For Rapid Antigen Tests

  1. Follow the instructions provided on the test kit.
  2. If positive,
    1. employees – take a picture of it with your campus ID and upload it to MyChart
    2. students – report your positive result to MyStudentChart

Symptom Screener


The symptom screener is a tool used by Employees to report respiratory symptoms and COVID-19 exposures to UCSD. It may facilitate communication between employees, supervisors or professors for inability to report to work. It is also used by EH&S for outbreak monitoring.

The Daily Symptom Screener is no longer required for students or employees who are coming to campus. However, you must complete the symptom screener if you:

  1. Are not feeling well or are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms,
  2. Have been exposed to COVID-19, or 
  3. Tested positive for COVID-19.


Students who’ve tested positive should send results to the SHS COVID team through MyStudentChart (Menu>Communication>COVID Request). Your message should include: 

  • The date of your positive test.
  • The type of test used (rapid antigen or PCR).
  • The date your symptoms started, if applicable.
  • A picture of your test results is not required.

More information is available on the Student Health Services COVID-19 Testing website.  

How to register or log into the Symptom Screening Tool

Click on the following links and sign in using your AD sign in credentials.

  • Staff Symptom Screening Tool
    • When signing on using "Business Systems," please make sure to input your entire email address <username>
    • When signing on using "Active Directory," please make sure you ONLY put your username (without

Results can only be sent to one email address. Users who want to notify multiple recipients are encouraged to forward responses to others as needed through the copy received to their email address.

The daily email reminders to complete the symptom screening form were discontinued on 12/07/2023. The last email reminder was sent on 12/06/2023. Please use one of the following solutions if you have been relying on the email reminder for the link to the tool:

Create a note on your desktop or bookmark on your web browser this URL: 

If You Test Positive for COVID-19

If you test positive and are symptomatic, DO NOT return to UC San Diego sites. 

If you test positive and have no symptoms, you may return to campus masked for 10 days from day of positive test. No isolation is required.

If you test at a non-UC San Diego location or using a Rapid Antigen Test, You MUST REPORT your positive test results following these steps;

  1. Report your test results to UCSD [see employee or student instructions below].
  2. Inform your supervisor you are not cleared to work onsite. 
  3. Contact your healthcare provider.
  4. Monitor your symptoms.
  5. Isolate (if symptomatic)
  6. Wear a mask.
  7. Notify your close contacts of potential exposure. 

Faculty & Staff (including Volunteers & Student Employees)

Report your test results on MyUCSDChart.  If you have not activated your UCSD My Chart account, please visit the sign-up page and follow the instructions provided.  To download the app on your phone follow this link.  

  • Fill out the symptom screener. 
  • To report your test result, log into MyUCSDChart and select Menu > Questionnaire > UCSD EMPLOYEES ONLY – REPORT COVID HOME SELF-TEST. 
    • Campus employees, student employees and health employees will use the same questionnaire.  
  • You will need to upload a photo of your positive test result.
  • If you have trouble reporting your test result via MyUCSDChart, please email the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (COEM) at  
  • Once your positive test result is uploaded, COEM will send further information via email.
  • You will receive an email from the UCSD Fusion Center with a link to complete a 5-10 minute Case Investigation questionnaire. If you do not receive the email, please check your junk/spam box and look for an email sent from labeled Secure: Time Sensitive UC San Diego Case Investigation COVID-19 Questionnaire. You may complete the questionnaire in English or Spanish, and the questionnaire MUST be completed within 24hrs of receiving the link.  
  • If you are a student employee, you also need to report positive results to SHS using MyStudentChart [instructions below].

Employee Isolation Guidelines

Based on new CDPH guidelines for people who test positive for COVID-19, UCSD campus employees, including student employees are required to;

  • Wear a mask for 10 days after symptom onset or if no symptoms, for 10 days after the positive test.
  • May return to work/campus when the following conditions are met;
    • Symptomatic employees must isolate until at least 24 hours have passed with no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications AND symptoms are mild and improving.
    • Asymptomatic (no symptoms) employees may return to work/campus but must remain masked at all times for 10 days from the date of the positive test. If symptoms develop, the criteria above will apply.

There is no need for return to work clearance from COEM.  If you have any questions, please call 858-663-8205 or email at


To report your positive test result, please send a message to the UCSD Student Health Services (SHS) COVID Team through MyStudentChart

  • Log into MyStudentChart > Click on Menu > Communication > COVID Request. Your message should include:
    • The date of your positive test,
    • The type of test used (rapid antigen or PCR), and
    • The date your symptoms started, if applicable.
      • A picture of your test results is not required.
  • If you share a restroom with a Residential Assistant (RA) or a Housing Assistant (HA), please include this in your messaging.

Students who need medical assistance can contact the Student Health COVID team through  MyStudentChart > Click on Menu > Communication > COVID Request. For severe symptoms, please go to the emergency room or call 9-1-1. Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) are available by calling (858) 534-3755. You may also find more information on their website at

Undergraduate students whose COVID-19 diagnosis disrupted their academic obligations are encouraged to contact their Dean of Student Affairs for support. 

Student Isolation Guidelines

UCSD students are recommended to stay home if COVID symptoms are present until no fever is present for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID symptoms are mild and improving. If no symptoms are present, recommendations include masking and avoiding contact with people at higher risk for severe COVID for 10 days. Students should continue to wear a face mask until the end of Day 10 regardless of whether symptoms are present, especially when indoors and anytime they are around others. See CDC Preventing the spread of respiratory viruses when you are sick for more information.

Students living on campus should remain in place, even if they share a room with others unless they can safely stay off campus (i.e., at home). Only students who are required to do so by Cal OSHA will be moved into alternate spaces. Immunocompromised students should reach out to SHS for guidance via MyStudentChart > Menu > Communication > “Covid Request”. See HDH Updates for more information

If You Have a Confirmed Exposure or Develop Symptoms

Faculty & Staff (including Volunteers & Student Employees)

If you learn of a recent household, public or workplace exposure to COVID-19, follow these recommendations;   

  • If you have new COVID-19 symptoms, you should test and mask right away.
  • If you do not have symptoms and are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 infection and would benefit from treatment, you should test.
  • If you do not have symptoms and have contact with people who are at higher risk for severe infection, you should mask indoors when around such people for 10 days. You may consider testing.

If you test positive, you must stay home, complete the symptom screener and report your result using your MyUCSDChart (see section above)


If you learn of a recent exposure to COVID-19, follow these recommendations: 

  • If you have new COVID-19 symptoms, you should test and mask right away.
    • If you have tested positive for COVID within the previous 90 days, it is recommended to use an antigen test, NOT a PCR test, to detect re-infection.
  • If you do NOT have symptoms but are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 infection and would benefit from treatment, you should test.
  • If you do NOT have symptoms but have contact with people who are at higher risk for severe infection, you should mask indoors when around such people for 10 days. You may consider testing. 

If you test positive, please stay home whenever possible, mask when indoors and around others, and report your positive test to the SHS COVID team through MyStudentChart > Click on Menu > Communication > COVID Request.


Staff & Faculty (including Volunteers & Student Employees)

Masking in a non-healthcare setting is currently optional, except for the following circumstances:

In all indoor areas for those who:

  1. Are completing their isolation after testing positive for COVID-19; 
  2. You received a notification of an outbreak in your UCSD workspace. 

Please be respectful of the masking choices of team members and treat colleagues with respect and civility. There is no place for harassment or bullying of anyone based on their masking choice. We should trust that they are making the best choice for themselves and their family.

Masking in a healthcare setting

  • For up-to-date guidelines for Healthcare Settings, please visit Pulse.  
  • Team members will continue to be supplied with masks upon request and may continue masking for any reason.

For proper use, the face covering must cover both the nose and mouth. Further information can be found on the Campus Guidance on Use of Face Coverings to Prevent Community Spread of COVID-19 webpage.

Visit Ordering COVID-19 PPE for a list of available items and ordering guidance through Oracle.

N95 Respiratory Protection Inquiries 

EH&S provides respirator certification and fit testing services. Additional safeguards and precautions are implemented to ensure the safety of both the program administrator and the customer during this process. For more information, visit the UC San Diego Respiratory Protection Program for regular updates. Campus employees who choose to wear N95-respirators on campus must follow these guidelines for Voluntary Use.


  • Students with known exposure may return to campus but should be masked at ALL times for the 10 days immediately following exposure.
  • Positive students should continue to wear a face mask until the end of Day 10 regardless of whether symptoms are present, even if isolation has ended early, especially when indoors and anytime they are around others.
  • Negative students are encouraged to wear a mask while symptoms are present, especially when indoors and anytime they are around others.

Supervisor Information

If an employee/volunteer on your team tests positive

  • Check on how they are doing and assess time-off needed. 
  • If the employee tested with a rapid antigen test, or at a non-UC San Diego location, remind them to;
    • Report their positive test and upload a picture via MyUCSDChart.  
    • Fill out the symptom screener. 
  • Once the positive test is properly reported, 
    • Employee will receive an email from COEM with information. 
    • Employee will receive an email with a link to complete a 5-10 minute case investigation questionnaire.  The questionnaire may be completed in English or Spanish and must be completed within 24 hours of receiving the link. 
    • Supervisor symptom screener notification  - will receive an email when an employee fails the symptom screener 
      • red thumb: employee is not cleared to work onsite. 
      • yellow thumb: employee is allowed to work, it is strongly recommended to Mask, Test and Monitor for Symptoms. 
      • If you have an employee under your supervision who does not have access to the internet, you must work with that employee to develop an alternate process.  
    • Supervisor workplace exposure notification - will receive an email notification from EOC of a potential workplace exposure.  This notification is required by law in accordance with AB-685 and Cal/OSHA 3205 and must be sent out before 5pm the next business day.  The workplace locations will also be posted on the Dashboard. Please remind all employees to visit the Exposure Dashboard on a daily basis and if exposed, to follow confirmed exposure guidelines. 
    • Supervisor employee clearance notification -  As of 05/17/2024 supervisors will no longer receive an email from COEM when the employee is cleared to return to work. Employees may return to work if they meet the criteria described under employee isolation guidelines described above. 
  • Paid leave positions: All COVID-19 related leave ended on 12/31/2022.
    • Work with your HR partner to share which leaves are available to the employee. 
  • If you have questions about return-to-work clearance, please email
  • To comply with privacy policies and laws and maintain patient confidentiality, the basis for the employee’s exclusion from campus should remain confidential and should not be shared.


According to the 2023 Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations; A workplace outbreak occurs when three (3) or more COVID-19 positive employee or student employee cases have a confirmed close contact to each other at shared on-campus workplace location within a 7-day period.  

  • A close contact is defined by looking at the size of the workplace in which the exposure takes place. For indoor airspaces of 400,000 or fewer cubic feet, individuals in the same indoor airspaces with a COVID-19 case for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period during the COVID-19 case’s infectious period are considered close contacts. All UCSD campus buildings do not exceed 400,000 cubic feet and fall under this airspace definition. 
  • An exposed group are all employees at a work location, working area, or a common area at work, within employer-provided transportation covered by section 3205.3, or residing within housing covered by section 3205.2, where an employee COVID-19 case was present at any time during their infectious period. A common area at work includes bathrooms, walkways, hallways, aisles, break or eating areas, and waiting areas.   

In accordance with Cal/OSHA 3205.1(b)(3) requirement, all employees who are a close contact of a confirmed outbreak are required to test within 3 to 5 days of exposure. If the employee close contact does not test or refuse to test, they must follow these Cal/OSHA guidelines:  

  • Symptomatic: Must be excluded from the workplace and treated as a case if refusing to test. They can return after being symptom-free for 24 hours without medication, with improving symptoms, and must wear a mask for 10 days upon return.  
  • Asymptomatic: Not excluded from the workplace but treated as an asymptomatic case. Must wear a mask for 10 days from the last date of exposure, including close contacts who refuse to test. 

Employees who are part of an outbreak exposed group are required by campus policy and CAL-OSHA to:  

  • Mask for at least 10 days when indoors or when outdoors and less than six feet from another person unless one of the exceptions in 3205 (f)(2) apply;  
    • When an employee is alone in a room or vehicle. 
    • While eating or drinking at the workplace, provided employees are at least six feet apart. 
    • While employees are wearing respirators required by the employer and used in compliance with section 5144. 
    • Employees who cannot wear face coverings due to a medical or mental health condition or disability, or who are hearing-impaired or communicating with a hearing-impaired person. Such employees shall wear an effective non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom, if the condition or disability permits it. 
    • During specific tasks which cannot feasibly be performed with a face covering. This exception is limited to the time period in which such tasks are actually being performed. 
  • Monitor for Symptoms for 10 days. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, chills, cough, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, or other symptoms, please test immediately. 
    • You may pick up a COVID-19 test (PCR or rapid antigen test) at any of the UCSD vending machines.   
      • If you test negative, you may return to work masked.  
      • If you test positive, do not return to work. Follow instructions for Faculty & Staff for what to do if you test COVID-19 POSITIVE. 
    • You may test once a week until the end of the 10-day period.  

Supervisor Outbreak Information

The UCSD Fusion Center team will work with supervisors and employees to provide resources and information to the UC San Diego community to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 at work.

If your team is involved in an outbreak;

  1. Fusion Center will call/email to supervisor - Look for and respond promptly to an email/call from the UCSD Fusion Center requesting important information needed to meet Cal/OSHA requirements.
  2. Communicate to team members - Promptly forward/post workplace notifications to close contacts and exposed groups. 
    • Workplace notifications and exposure group notifications will be emailed to supervisors by the UCSD Fusion Center.
  3. Compliance - Assist the UCSD Fusion Center team in making sure employees comply with required Cal/OSHA guidelines. 
  4. Employee Clearance - The UCSD Fusion Center team will email supervisors a notification if an employee close contact has not tested within 5 days of exposure.

If you have any questions, you may email


When UC San Diego receives notice that an individual infected with COVID‐19 was present in a UC San Diego building or worksite, the specific locations will be shared at the following dashboard:  We are required to notify you about these potential exposures.  

Please review the dashboard and if you were present at the same location during the periods indicated, read the information on “If you have a confirmed exposure or develop symptoms” 

This notification is being provided pursuant to Assembly Bill (AB) 2693 & AB685

Vaccine Mandate

  • The UC Vaccination policy currently applies. Vaccination remains one of the best ways to protect yourself from infection and severe disease. Visit the following links for information and guidelines about UC San Diego's vaccination policy:

    Faculty & Staff (including Volunteers & Student Employees)
    To remain “fully vaccinated,” campus employees are required to have completed their initial vaccination series and a booster dose within 30 days of becoming eligible. If you are eligible for a booster but recently were positive for COVID-19, you will have up to 90 days after being infected to receive your booster. Your date for boosting has been extended by up to 90 days to remain compliant with the UC mandate. At this time, a second booster dose is not required to remain compliant with the UC Vaccine Mandate.

    To meet the COVID-19 vaccination mandate, the university must confirm all campus members are fully vaccinated. Your vaccination information is securely housed in your employee health record. Only the vaccination status will be shared; clinical details will not be shared with the university.

    Vaccination Status Definitions

    What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?

    • You have received a booster shot and it has been 7 days or more since your booster shot, or
    • You have received the complete initial vaccination dose(s) and you are not yet eligible for a booster.
    • At this time, a second booster dose is not required to remain compliant with the UC Vaccine Mandate.

    What is considered not fully vaccinated?

    • You have received a booster shot and it has been less than 7 days since your booster shot;
    • You have received a complete initial vaccine series and are eligible for a booster shot, but have not yet received one;
    • You did not complete the initial vaccine series;
    • You have not received any vaccines.

    If you haven’t already done so, please submit your COVID-19 vaccination documentation as soon as possible.

    Documenting your COVID-19 vaccination or booster received outside of UC San Diego Health.

    Please follow the instructions listed below.  

    1. Log into MyUCSDChart (employees).
    2. Click on the Menu and select COVID-19 under the My Record header.
    3. Click on Update within the blue box titled, “Not seeing your COVID-19 vaccine?” If your vaccine is documented within the state registry, it will automatically appear. If the "Update" button does not appear, navigate to the "Immunizations" page in the Menu to input your booster information there.
    4. If your vaccine is not documented within the state registry, click on the blue Enter Vaccine Details button.
    5. On the next screen, choose Yes to indicate you’d like to enter vaccination documentation and type in the numerical number of vaccine doses you intend to report (you can enter first and second doses as well as booster information).
    6. Answer the questions below about your vaccination, including manufacturer and date administered.
    7. Upload a photo of your COVID-19 Vaccination Record card by choosing the Attach a document button. Once uploaded, select Continue.
    8. Review the information you have submitted to ensure accuracy, then select Submit.
    9. You will see a green confirmation box with a message about next steps. Please allow up to one week for your record to be updated.

    Vaccine declination process

    In accordance with recent updated State guidelines, UC Office of the President (UCOP) has issued changes to align the Covid-19 vaccine mandate. The mandate still requires employees to be vaccinated with the primary series plus the latest booster recommended by the CDC and/or CDPH. The vaccine mandate now allows employees who want an exemption to follow a process that mimics the flu declination.

    To report or decline a COVID vaccine, go to MyUCSDChart. You will complete the UCSD EMPLOYEE AND STUDENT ONLY - Vaccine Questionnaire.


    The UC Vaccination policy currently applies to students. For more information on vaccine mandate deadlines,  submitting vaccine records, and exemptions visit the Health Requirements for Students page.

Privacy Information


During the COVID-19 public health emergency, all UC San Diego students, staff, faculty, student employees, and on-site independent contractors who are reporting to campus or any other physical UC San Diego location must participate in the Campus Health Management Program (“The Program”), including testing and symptom screening, and the UC Vaccine Mandate. For UC San Diego to administer the Program, UC San Diego (as an employer and educational institution) and UC San Diego Health (as a healthcare provider) need to properly maintain records. Your privacy is important to you, and it is important to us. UC San Diego is committed to treating all information generated as a result of the Program with a high level of privacy and security protections.

Who do these privacy practices apply to

These privacy practices apply to UC San Diego students and employees, including staff, faculty, student employees, and volunteers. These privacy practices do NOT apply to UC San Diego Health or Health Sciences employees who may be subject to different standards and policies due to the services they provide caring for patients and other vulnerable populations while at work.

Please read the following to learn more about how the university treats the information we process as part of the Program.

Overview of the Campus Health Management Program

The Campus Health Management Program involves symptom screening, testing and treatment, case investigation and contact tracing for individuals who test positive for COVID-19, and the UC Vaccine Mandate. UC San Diego Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (“COEM”) will coordinate and administer the Program for employees, and Student Health Services (“SHS”) will coordinate and administer the Program for UC San Diego students.

The personal information we process

We will obtain personal information in the following ways:

  1. Daily Symptom Screening Survey Registration
    All students and employees are expected to complete this registration. During daily symptom screening registration, we collect your name, email address, preferred phone number, registration date, campus/Health affiliation, job category, current work arrangement, primary work site, specific campus location, flu vaccination attestation, and your supervisor’s name and email, as well as whether you have been or received information that you have been exposed to a person with COVID-19. You will be asked if you would like to receive daily email reminders.
  2. Campus Health Management Registration (not applicable to students)
    All employees are expected to complete this registration. You will be registered in the Campus Health Management Program for documentation of health information required and paid for by your employer. Upon registration in the Campus Health Management Program, UC San Diego will use your name, date of birth, address, gender, and with your consent, Social Security Number (“SSN”) as those are reflected in your existing personnel record to either 1) create an electronic employee health record with UC San Diego Health in Epic for the purpose of employee health management, or 2) identify your existing health record number within Epic for the purpose of employee health management, if you already have an electronic health record with UC San Diego Health. The disclosure of your SSN is voluntary. The purpose of the SSN is to ensure accuracy in creating or identifying health records. The request for your SSN is made under the authority of the Regents of the University of California under Art. IX, Sec. 9 of the California Constitution. If you do NOT wish to allow use of your SSN to assist in administering the Return to Learn Program, you may opt out of such use. In that case, your name, date of birth, address, and gender will be used to create or locate your record.
  3. Daily Symptom Screening Survey
    All employees and students are expected to complete daily symptom screenings on days they will be physically on-site either on campus or another assigned work location. You will be asked several questions, including whether you are currently experiencing or have experienced in the past 14 days any COVID-19 symptoms and your “yes” or “no” response will be recorded. Note that the survey does not ask which of the symptoms you have, just whether you have had any of the symptoms.
  4. Testing and Treatment at UC San Diego Health or Student Health Services
    To ensure a high level of privacy and security, UC San Diego will store information related to COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccination in UC San Diego Health’s electronic medical record system known as Epic. We will collect medical information related to COVID-19, including test results and the date and type of vaccine administered.
    Employee health: Your medical information contained in the UC San Diego Health electronic medical record system, including COVID testing and treatment information required for employment, is Protected Health Information under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”). UC San Diego Health is required by law to maintain the privacy of your Protected Health Information, provide you information about its legal duties and privacy practices, inform you of your rights and the ways in which it may use Health Information and disclose it to other entities and persons. UC San Diego Health’s HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices apply to this information. You can read about how UC San Diego Health handles your Protected Health Information in the Notice of Privacy Practices.
    Student health: Your medical information, which includes COVID-19 testing and treatment information required for physical presence at UC San Diego, are protected under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”). UC San Diego Health is required by law to maintain the privacy of your personal information, provide you information about its legal duties and privacy practices, inform you of your rights and the ways in which it may use FERPA information and disclose it to other entities and persons.
  5. Testing and Treatment at non-UC San Diego Health providers
    You are welcome to receive health care, including COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccinations, at any non-UC San Diego healthcare provider of your choice. If you test positive for COVID-19, whether that test is administered by a UC San Diego Health provider or another healthcare provider, and you will be physically on site, you must report your positive result to the UC San Diego Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (COEM) at for employees or Student Health Services (SHS) COVID Team through MyStudentChart. Log into to MyStudentChart > Click on Menu > Communication > “Covid Request”. Your message should include date of positive test, type of test, and date symptoms started. They can coordinate with public health and the contact tracing team for contact tracing, monitor symptoms, and provide return-to work-documentation if necessary.
  6. Case Investigations and Contact Tracing
    Contact tracing for UC San Diego employees and students employees will be coordinated through the UCSD Fusion Center Team. The teams will contact the positive individual and collect information about the individual’s health, work location, and contacts.
  7. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program (“UC Vaccine Mandate”)
    For the safety and well-being of the entire university community, the policy requires, with few exceptions, that all students, faculty and staff be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus before they will be allowed on campus or in a facility or office. The policy allows for medical exceptions consistent with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance and manufacturer labeling on contraindications and precautions in accordance with recent updated State guidelines, UC Office of the President (UCOP) has issued changes to align the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The mandate still requires employees to be vaccinated with the primary series plus the latest booster recommended by the CDC and/or CDPH. The vaccine mandate now allows employees who want an exemption to follow a process that mimics the flu declination. To report or decline a COVID vaccine, go to MyUCSDChart. You will complete the UCSD EMPLOYEE AND STUDENT ONLY - Vaccine Questionnaire. With your authorization and for your convenience, if you received your vaccines at UC San Diego Health, your vaccination status can be transferred to UC San Diego campus automatically. If you do not consent, you must provide/upload your proof of vaccination (e.g., CDC vaccine card) as described on the COVID-19 Campus Resources and Guidelines Vaccine Mandate section.

Why and how we use your personal information

UC San Diego and UC San Diego Health will only use your personal information as described below or as required or permitted by law.

We will use your information for the purposes described below.

  1. Daily symptom screening registration and responses
    1. To meet State of California and San Diego County requirements for UC San Diego to allow you to be present on site;
    2. To provide you and your supervisor/college/Division with documentation showing whether you should be present on site;
    3. To coordinate localized sanitation procedures;
    4. To prioritize individuals, groups, or roles for asymptomatic testing;
    5. To help UC San Diego's COVID Monitoring Team ("CMT") identify possible outbreaks on campus;
    6. To facilitate voluntary testing and treatment at UC San Diego Health;
    7. For reporting purposes in accordance with public health requirements;
    8. For analysis and reporting to inform campus re-opening plans; and
    9. For potential research use in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and University policies
  2. Campus Health Management Registration
    To create an electronic medical record for you, if you do not currently have one at UC San Diego Health, or if you already have an electronic medical record, to flag your existing electronic medical record as an “employee.” By adding an “employee” flag, electronic medical records will receive additional compliance and privacy safeguards.
  3. Testing, Treatment, and Vaccination at UC San Diego
    1. To provide you with COVID tests, treatment, and vaccinations;
    2. To help UC San Diego’s CMT to identify and respond to possible outbreaks on campus (students only);
    3. For reporting purposes in accordance with public health requirements and state and federal laws; and
    4. For analysis and reporting to inform campus re-opening plans
  4. Contact tracing
    1. For case investigation, contact tracing, and public health purposes, including to notify people who test positive for COVID-19 as well as their close contacts of isolation and quarantine procedures to help prevent further spread of the novel coronavirus (your name will not be disclosed to close contacts without your consent);
    2. To meet Federal, State, and County requirements for public health and workplace safety;
    3. To help UC San Diego's CMT to identify possible outbreaks on campus (students only);
    4. For reporting purposes in accordance with public health requirements; and
    5. For potential use by UC San Diego researchers in accordance with applicable regulations and University policies
  5. Vaccination Data, Exception or Deferral information
    1. For compliance with the UC SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program and with federal and state law;
    2. To provide you and your supervisor/college/Division with documentation showing whether you are authorized to be present on-site without additional precautions; authorized to be on-site but with additional precautions (g., masking, distancing); or not authorized to be on-site;
    3. To help UC San Diego's CMT to assess re-opening plans on campus (students only);
    4. To provide UC’s third-party administrator information regarding your exception or deferral submission for assessment.
    5. For reporting purposes in accordance with public health requirements; and
    6. For potential use by UC San Diego researchers in accordance with applicable regulations and University policies

Your personal information from the Program will be used, as needed, to assess, improve, or modify the Program; for auditing and monitoring of the Program; and if required for an investigation conducted by appropriate authorities. We may disclose your information to governmental licensing, auditing, regulatory, and accrediting agencies, as authorized or required by law.

For information about the uses of your electronic medical record, please see UC San Diego Health’s Notice of Privacy Practices.

Who has access to your personal information?

We will only share or disclose your personal information as described below or as required or permitted by law.

  1. Daily Symptom Screening Survey Data
    1. Your supervisor, work lead, and, if applicable, symptom screener check-in person will see your primary work location and the results of the symptom screen; your supervisors will not have access to your answers to specific symptom screening questions;
    2. You can see your own responses to the survey (sent to your email);
    3. The members of the campus CMT;
    4. The UC San Diego Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine;
    5. Campus human resources and Academic Personnel Leadership;
    6. ServiceNow and Qualtrics administrators in Health IT/ITS who are administering the survey; and
    7. Researchers with appropriate approvals/exemptions from the data steward, the Institutional Review Board ("IRB"), and privacy and security offices
  2. Campus Health Management Registration
    Your registration information will be visible to UC San Diego Health IT and Campus ITS.
  3. Testing and vaccinations provided to students or as an employer to employees
    1. UC San Diego’s Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine (COEM) and Infection of Prevention and Clinical Epidemiology (IPCE) will have access to your employee test results and vaccinations. Other than for the disclosures provided for under this Notice, all employee testing, vaccinations, and demographic information contained within your UC San Diego Health electronic medical records will be maintained as confidential Protected Health Information and will be protected in accordance with UC San Diego Health’s Notice of Privacy Practices.
    2. UC San Diego's Student Health Services will have access to student test results;
    3. Members of the campus CMT (students only);
    4. Union representatives when required by state law (employees only);
    5. As part of the Program, campus human resources and
      Academic Personnel Leadership will be notified of your compliance with required testing and vaccinations;
    6. When required by law, public health authorities, and other state and federal authorities; and
    7. Sexual orientation and gender identity: California Senate Bill 932 requires public health officials to collect and report data relating to the sexual orientation and gender identity of individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. The electronic medical record stored in UC San Diego Health’s Epic system allows for patients to identify their gender identity and sexual orientation. If employees or students share this information when participating in the Campus Health Management Return to Learn testing program, it is reported as required by state law SB 932. Sexual orientation and gender identity information can be updated at any time through the MyChart system to ensure the county and state have the patient’s intended record of sexual orientation and gender identity. Updating overwrites former information that was entered.
  4. Contact Tracing
    1. The case investigation and contact tracing team;
    2. Members of the campus CMT team (students only);
    3. When required by law, public health authorities and other state and federal authorities
  5. UC Vaccine Mandate
    1. Your supervisor or work lead will see if their employees are in compliance with the UC Vaccine Mandate; Vice Chancellor – Student Affairs will see ifstudents are in compliance with the UC Vaccine Mandate; your supervisor and VCSA will not have access to specific information about your vaccination, exception, or deferral. UCSD Student Health Center will receive and assess student submittals of exceptions or deferrals to the UC Vaccine Mandate.
    2. A third-party administrator has been contracted by the University of California to receive and assess employee submittals of exceptions or deferrals to the UC vaccination mandate.

How we protect your personal information

UC San Diego Health has many safeguards in place for how it protects electronic health records. We maintain technical, physical, and administrative safeguards to protect the security, integrity, and privacy of personal data, including the following practices:

  1. To ensure even more privacy protection for UC San Diego employees and students, the health records of all UC San Diego employees and students stored in Epic will be coded at the “break the glass” level of privacy protection. Records coded as “break the glass” require a specific justification for access;
  2. Employee health and student health records stored in the UC San Diego Epic system are excluded from research data extractions performed under waivers of consent or HIPAA authorization;
  3. Electronic medical records are subject to frequent privacy audits by UC San Diego’s Office of Compliance and Privacy;
  4. UC San Diego Health adheres to University of California requirements described in IS-3 UCOP Policy (Electronic Information Security) in order to secure your information;
  5. Information is housed on systems stored in controlled facilities with limited access;
  6. Encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), is used to protect the transmission of your information over the Internet;
  7. Security technologies and procedures are used to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosures;
  8. Data access is limited only to authorized personnel;
  9. All authorized personnel are informed of their obligation to maintain the privacy, security, and confidentiality of information;
  10. All authorized UC San Diego Health personnel who will have access to your employee health record or your electronic medical record are trained in privacy and security obligations.
  11. Exception and deferral information will be securely transmitted to UC’s third-party administrator for storage. Additionally, the third-party administrator’s data processing environment was assessed by the University of California for security compliance.

The university endeavors to protect the privacy of the personal information we hold in our records, but we cannot guarantee complete security. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors, may compromise the security of your personal information.

How long we keep your identifiable data

The personal information obtained for the Symptom Screening Survey will be retained for 14 days. Members of the CMT will have access to your information for the duration of the public health emergency, as declared by Federal and State authorities, plus 30 days.

Per UCSDHP 325.2, all electronic health records are retained for at least as long as required by State and federal law and regulations, and UC Records Disposition Schedules Manual and UC San Diego Health policies and procedures. Health records retention covers all types of UC San Diego Health records: (1) at a minimum, 20 years or more following the last recorded activity; (2) records of minors must be kept for one year past the age of majority.

Your contact tracing information, if any, will be maintained in accordance with State and County requirements.

Information housed within COEM will be retained for 30 years from time of collection as required by state law.

Third-party Administrator will retain the exception/deferral information in accordance with the UC Retention Schedule.

Knowing your choices and rights

In accordance with current San Diego County Health Orders, UC San Diego employees and contractors reporting physically to the UC San Diego campus or other work site in San Diego County must complete the daily symptom screening survey prior to reporting to work. If you do not complete the survey, your failure may be deemed a refusal of a lawful order and you may be asked to explain the reason for your refusal to your supervisor and/or HR contact. If there is not a valid reason for refusal, you may be placed on a leave without pay and be potentially subject to discipline.

If you do not complete the Health Management registration form, we will remind you when you use multi-factor authentication (i.e., DUO mobile) to log into UC San Diego systems on your devices.

You may choose not to be contacted for voluntary diagnostic testing during registration or withdraw your consent later by contacting the Campus Privacy Office at

You may opt out of sharing your SSN with UC San Diego Health. Your name, date of birth, address, and gender will be used to create an electronic medical record for you or associate records for existing patients who are employees. For employees who opt out of sharing their SSN, their SSN will NOT be used. However, an electronic medical record will be created or associated for employees. The creation of an electronic medical record will allow us to appropriately and efficiently manage the Campus Health Management Program.

If you object to the creation of an electronic medical record or the association of an existing electronic medical record for employee health purposes, you may contact the Campus Privacy Officer at to discuss your concerns and options. If you object to the creation of an electronic medical record or the association of an existing electronic medical record, you will not be eligible for the benefits of the Program.

You may opt out of having your positive COVID result reported to union representatives, as is currently required by California state law. Information and instructions for opting out are provided here.

If you choose not to comply with the UC Vaccine Mandate, you will not be authorized to be present on-site at any UC Location or for any UC program at any time. Depending on your role and needs of the university, this may lead to discipline and/or dismissal.

You have a right to:

  • Access your own data; and
  • Rectify or correct inaccurate or incomplete data concerning you

Request for anonymity for AB 685 notification purposes

AB 685 requires the University of California to notify exclusive union representatives of the names of employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 and who worked onsite during the infectious period. Under 8 CCR 14300.29(b)(7), employees may request that their names not be included in such notifications so long as such a request is voluntary and independent. Click here to request anonymity for COVID-19 positive notifications to union representatives. 

Changes to this privacy statement

This privacy statement will be updated periodically to reflect any material changes in the Program and practices. These changes will be evident by inserting a new “Effective Date” (see below) and are effective when they are posted to this website. Treatment of information is subject to the version in effect at the time such information is collected.

Contacting us

If you have any general questions about:

Effective date

This statement is effective as of 5/15/2023.


If you are a campus employee and you have questions, contact the Fusion Center at

COEM at or (858) 663-8205 

Human Resources Employee Relations team at

Health Sciences and Health System staff and faculty should contact Health Human Resources for guidance and information.