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Kuali Conflict of Interest

Learn about Kuali COI, a secure, user friendly, web based system for UC San Diego faculty and staff to submit and manage their conflict of interest disclosure activities.

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About Kuali COI

 The Kuali COI system will: 

    • Determine which conflict of interest regulations the researcher needs to complete, taking all the guesswork out of the historical paper forms
    • Send an email to the researcher with a direct link to Kuali COI embedded in the email
    • Allow researchers to assign specific support staff as “delegates” to assist

Kuali COI Office Hours

The Conflict of Interest (COI) Office will host Kuali COI Office Hours every Wednesday from 11 a.m. - noon beginning January 4, 2023.  The UC San Diego research community can sign up and have an experienced COI team member provide one-on-one guidance on submission of COI disclosures in Kuali COI as well as other conflict of interest related questions.  To sign up, please visit  The sessions are for 15 minutes; however, the time can be extended.  The appointment confirmation will include a direct link to the zoom session. 

Kuali COI Tutorials

COI for Kuali IRB

All study team members are listed in Study Personnel in Kuali IRB application. Those Researcher’s with a potential conflict of interest* will need to mark “yes” under the conflict of interest question within Kuali IRB.

Potential Conflict of Interest Definition:

Any Researcher including their spouse or registered domestic partner, and/or their dependent children, participating in human subject research and have a potential conflict of interest, which refers to a situation in which outside interest(s) may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, a Researcher's professional actions or judgments in the design, conduct, or reporting of their research results must disclose a conflict of interest in Kuali COI.  Interest(s) also includes being an inventor of a UC San Diego intellectual property being used in the human subjects study. 

Depending on funding source, type of activity and role of an individual on a project, please refer to COI for Kuali IRB.

Kuali COI FAQs

What should I do if I don’t know the Entity or Funding information when completing a 700-U COI disclosure in Kuali COI?

The State of California requires the Investigator to complete the Entity and Funding information on the 700-U COI disclosure form, in addition to answering questions about their relationship/interest(s) with the Entity. This includes the address and principle business of the entity, the amount of funding being proposed (estimated or actual), whether it is for initial funding or interim funding and the date of funding. Unfortunately, Kuali COI was not allowed to have these data elements auto-populated from the Kuali Research record. The Investigator can obtain the information by: 1) asking their fund manager or proposal creator, 2) googling the Entity (i.e., for address and principal business) or 3) reviewing the proposal record in Kuali Research (i.e., for the proposed funding amount and anticipated date of funding). The Investigator has the option to assign a “Delegate” in Kuali COI to complete the project specific information on their behalf. The “How to” instruction to add Delegates is on the COI Website.


What should I do if a project requiring a 700-U COI disclosure in Kuali COI was not funded?

700-U COI disclosure is required at time of proposal. Therefore, as soon as a non-federal proposal is created in Kuali Research or a manual project is created for a gift, Health Sciences Business Contracting service agreement, or human subject research, the Investigator will receive an email notification from Kuali COI to disclose. The 700-U COI disclosure will remain pending in Kuali COI until the Investigator completes the disclosure, even if the project is eventually not funded. If the Investigator logs in to Kuali COI and has pending 700-U COI disclosures for projects that were not funded, they must complete the disclosure as it should have been at time of proposal, i.e., with the amount of funding that was being proposed and the anticipated start date of the funding. Kuali COI requires all pending 700-U COI disclosures be completed prior to completing disclosures for federal projects. Therefore, if an Investigator receives an email notification from Kuali COI to update their disclosure for a federal project and there are pending 700-U disclosure forms, the Investigator will not be able to complete the federal disclosure until the 700-U disclosure(s) are completed.


What should I do if some of the information on a sponsored research project in Kuali COI was not accurate?

The accuracy of Proposal Development records in Kuali Research impacts the efficiency of many administrative processes including Kuali COI as a majority of the sponsored projects on an investigator’s dashboard in Kuali COI are directly from the data entered into Kuali Research based on various factors such as funding agencies, type of projects, role on a project, etc. These projects remain in Kuali COI until the sponsored projects are closed in Kuali Research.

If the investigator logs in to Kuali COI and sees projects pending disclosure with incorrect information such as incorrect project title, incorrect sponsor, etc., it is suggested that the investigator contacts the proposal initiator (i.e., departmental fund manager) when the record is still in proposal stage, or the applicable contract and grant officer (i.e., HSSPPO, OCGA, SIO OCGA, or OCTA) when the record is in institutional proposal stage or the award stage, to request a correction. Corrections made in Kuali Research will carry over to Kuali COI the next time the investigator logs into Kuali COI.

If you want to close your funded awards, please contact the Sponsored Projects Office (i.e., OCGA, SIO OCGA, or OCTA) to close your Kuali Research awards and then the record will no longer be active in Kuali COI. 


I received an email from Kuali COI to update my disclosure for a federal award, however there is a 700-U COI disclosure for a different project blocking me from updating my federal disclosure. What should I do?

Per State of California regulations, 700-U COI disclosures are required at time of proposal. As soon as a non-federal proposal is created in Kuali Research (KR), or a manual project is created for a gift, Health Sciences Business Contracting service agreement, or human subject research, the Investigator will receive an email notification from Kuali COI (KCOI) to disclose. The Investigator should complete the disclosure at that time. The 700-U COI disclosure will remain pending in KCOI until the Investigator completes the disclosure, even if the project is eventually not funded. If the Investigator logs in to KCOI and has a pending 700-U COI disclosure for a project that was not funded, they must complete the disclosure as it should have been at time of proposal, i.e., with the amount of funding that was being proposed and the anticipated start date of the funding. KCOI requires all pending 700-U COI disclosures be completed prior to completing disclosures for federal projects. Therefore, if an Investigator receives an email notification from Kuali COI to update their disclosure for a federal project and there are pending 700-U disclosure forms, the Investigator will not be able to complete the federal disclosure until the 700-U disclosure(s) are completed.


I do not have new research projects or change in interests. Why am I being asked to disclose in Kuali COI?

UC San Diego follows the Federal annual certification process since the launch of Kuali COI in January 2020.  While there may not be any new research projects or change in interests, Investigators with Federally funded (i.e., NIH, DOE, NSF, NASA, etc.) research are required to review, certify, and submit their Kuali COI portfolio on at least an annual basis.  Unlike the Non-Federal 700-U (i.e., for-profit and non-profit sponsors) disclosures, the Kuali COI Federal portfolio is not project based and must be certified in its entirety annually.

Contact the Conflict of Interest Office at for more information.