Facilities Management Contacts
Last Updated: January 6, 2025 11:01:41 AM PST
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University of California San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive #0908
La Jolla, CA 92093-0908
Office Location
Campus Services Complex, Building D (map)
Facilities Management Director
Jason Kayne, (858) 534-1389
Customer Relations and Service Requests
Customer Relations help desk and billing inquiries, (858) 534-2930, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays
Customer Feedback
If you have a concern or complaint about how we handled any request, contact the Customer Relations manager, (858) 534-0317 or (858) 354-5636, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays.
Building Operations
Jesus Ortiz, Interim Assistant Director, (858) 534-9617
Zone Operations
- Darnell Johnson, Superintendent, Zones and Interim Sr. Superintendent, (858) 692-9237
- Larry Octon, Superintendent, SIO and Interim Sr. Superintendent, (858) 864-5738
- Matt Winklepleck, Superintendent, HVAC, (858) 246-2279
- Brandon Hirsch, Superintendent, Electric Shop and Interim Sr. Superintendent, (858) 864-6962
- Gary Bosman, Superintendent, AC/R Shop, (858) 534-2183
- Rob Henderson, Superintendent, Project Team, (858) 245-9402
- Mario Hernandez, Superintendent, Carpentry Shop, (858) 246-2801
- Kenny Picha, Superintendent, Fire Alarm and Elevators, (858) 534-2183
- Kynn Sunico, Superintendent, Plumbing Shop, (619) 616-8184
- James Reader, Superintendent, Lock, Paint and Sign Shops, (858) 534-3970
Administrative Support
- Grace Malerba, Administrative Assistant, (858) 246-2721
- Elizabeth Priest, Administrative Assistant, (858) 822-6571
- Nikki Visocky, Administrative Assistant, (858) 534-4983
Building Services
- Mario X. Sierra, Assistant Director, (619) 310-1948
- Leverne Cannady, Midday Superintendent, (858) 242-6745
- Efrain De Leon, Special Events/Weekend Superintendent, (858) 226-0768
- Frank Hernandez, Night Superintendent, (858) 583-9480
- LaJuan Lynch, Day Superintendent, (858) 527-2538
Landscape Services
- Bryan K. Hooks, Assistant Director, (858) 534-5585
- David Boggs, Supervisor, (858) 282-4483 | campus irrigation, hardscape maintenance and construction projects
- Campus landscape design and plan review
- Mowing and street sweeping
- Bollard repair
- Landscape equipment repair and maintenance
- Daniel Foley, Superintendent,ISA Certified Arborist Municipal Specialist, (858) 246-5394 | UC San Diego Real Estate properties and UC San Diego Health – Hillcrest
- Michael D. Hogan, Superintendent/Urban Forester, (858) 822-6461 | central campus landscaping (between Ridge Walk and I-5), campuswide tree trimming and vegetation management
- Andre Leon, Superintendent, (858) 822-5052 | west campus landscaping (west of Ridge Walk), SIO and campuswide pressure washing
- Elizabeth Lin, Waste Management, Recycling & Sustainability Manager, (858)463-8180 | outdoor recycling and waste management
- Todd Schmidt, Superintendent, BSc Botany, Zoology, (858) 831-8302 | east campus (east of I-5) landscaping and pest control
- Dave Wilkinson, Superintendent, (858) 534-6618 | housing and dining facilities landscaping and outdoor pest management
Machining and Additive Prototyping Services
Project Management
Facilities Accessibility
Building Interiors
- Academic Affairs: Adrienne Gallo
- School of Medicine: Tara Cameron or Ken Shafer
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography: Ken Hall
Exterior Pathways and Physical Access
For questions or concerns related to physical access, contact the UC San Diego ADA Coordinator.