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Qualtrics: Training Resources

Read a basic overview of Qualtrics and link training resources.

User roles

There are four user roles for Qualtrics:

  • Brand Administrator: Oversees general use of Qualtrics at UC San Diego
  • Division Administrator: Administers within a specific division
  • Faculty/ Staff User: Have a high usage limit
  • Student User: Usage limit depends on graduate/ undergraduate status

Process guides

Review this tutorial for basic guidance on how to use Qualtrics.

Survey platform sections

Qualtrics is organized into different sections, or modules.

  • My Projects: The landing page you see each time you log on. View a list of your projects and create new ones here.
  • Survey Module: Edit your survey’s formatting and content.
  • Actions Module: Keep track of live survey response characteristics through the creation of tickets, emails, and more.
  • Distributions Module: Once your survey is built, go to this page to decide how you want to send it to your audience.
  • Data & Analysis Module: Once your data has been collected, export it or analyze it.
  • Reports Module: Build reports to present your data.
  • Contacts: Learn how to build a contact list for Distributions.
  • Account Library: Store pre-made surveys, graphics, pre-written messages, and other files in Qualtrics.

My Projects

My Projects Overview

Each time you log into Qualtrics, you'll see the My Projects landing page, a one-stop shop with a list of all your projects. Find project actions and at-a-glance details and metrics.

Organizing your projects

Use custom folders, advanced sorting, and more to make organizing and sorting your projects easier.

Creating a project

A project consists of a survey, distribution record, and collection of responses and reports. When you create a new project, you can create its associated survey from scratch, from a copy of an existing survey, from a template in your Survey Library, or from an imported file.

Sharing a project

The sharing feature allows you to give other Qualtrics users access to your surveys in thier account. You can restrict what type of access other users have to your project. For example, if you have translators working on your project, you can make sure they have editing privileges, but no access to the data you collect.

Survey Module

The Survey module is where you build and edit the survey piece of your project. From here, you’ll create questions, add logic and validation, design the look, and more.

Actions Module

The Actions module is a powerful tool to keep track of live survey response characteristics. You can watch and react to detractors, requests for contacts, etc.

Distributions Module

Once you have built your survey, you can use the Distributions module to gather responses. Qualtrics provides a variety of channels for you to distribute your survey, from emailing to QR codes to posting via social media sites.

Data & Analysis Module

The Data & Analysis module allows you to manage and analyze individual participant responses. The module is organized into three tabs: Data, Text, and Cross Tabs.

Reports Module

In the Reports module, you can view answer summaries and create custom pages to visualize and manage aggregate results.


A contact list is a mailing list that has been entered or uploaded into Qualtrics.

These contact lists are sometimes referred to as panels, and can be created in house or purchased from a panel provider. You can use contact lists to easily distribute surveys to all listed individuals (known as contacts), to apply authentication requirements to surveys, and to store information about particular contacts (either to use directly in surveys or later in data analysis).

Account Library

Store surveys, graphics, messages, and other file types within your Qualtrics libraries.

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