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DocuSign: Adding Documents

Find out how to add documents to a DocuSign envelope.

Before adding a document, you must set up an envelope.

Select document source

In the Documents for Signature section, you add documents from your computer or an online document, which includes templates and external documents:

Upload document screenshot

Add a document from your computer

  1. Click Upload.
  2. The File Upload dialog box will display.
  3. Locate the file on your computer or network and click Open
  4. The document is added and a thumbnail image of the document is added to the section.
  5. Repeat for additional documents in the same envelope as needed.

If Automatic Template Matching is enabled for your account, the system checks to see if the document you’ve uploaded matches a template in your system. If a match is found, the system gives you the option of applying that template to the document.

Add an online document or template

  1. Click Get From Cloud.
  2. The Add a Document dialog box will display.
  3. Find the template or online document you want to upload
    Upload document from cloud screenshot
  4. Select it and click Add.
  5. The document is added and a thumbnail image of the document is added to the section.
  6. Repeat for additional documents in the same envelope as needed.

Note: If you want to select a document from an external source, such as Box or Google Drive, you might need to log on to the external document source. You might need to disable your pop-up blocker to log on to an external document source.

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