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DocuSign: Overview for Form Managers

Learn how the Form Managers role manages templates and DocuSign PowerForms.

Form Manager Role at UC San Diego

UC San Diego is using DocuSign to streamline and improve digital signatures and transactions. We are providing limited access in the form of strict user roles; those of Form Manager, Sender, and Recipient.

Form Managers have the highest level of responsibility in developing and managing templates.


  • Be trained in the use of DocuSign for the creation of templates.
  • Ensure underlying forms follow user-experience best-practice.
  • Ensure template overlays are simple and logical.
  • Create templates for your team, group, or department.


A template is simply a repeatable workflow and set of rules. A template is like a framework that sits on top of (overlays) a base document (form). The content of the base documents can be changed or replaced, but the template can remain the same. Only Form Managers can create templates in the UCSD implementation

One of the major differences between templates and envelopes is that templates include recipient roles rather than specific recipients. These roles are simply placeholders for the eventual recipients of an envelope. It is best practice to create every possible role in the template, as it is easier to remove roles on the fly (as a sender) than to add them to the template.

DocuSign PowerForms work with Templates to allow you to create transactions that do not require you to send documents from within DocuSign.


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