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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Find the meanings for acronyms and abbreviations used at UC San Diego.

If you can't find the acronym you're looking for on this list, please let us know.


A/A - Affirmative Action
AAA - Academic Affirmative Action
AAALAC - Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
ABA - Academic Business Administrators
ABOG - Academic Business Officer Group
AC - Area Code, Authorization Code
Ac, Acad - Academic
Acad Affrs - Academic Affairs
Acad Sen - Academic Senate
Acad Svcs - Academic Services
ACBM - Asbestos-cotaining building materials
ACC - Ambulatory Care Center
ACLS - Advanced Cardiac Life Support
ACP - Animal Care Program
Acq - Acquisitions
ACS - American Cancer Society
ACS - Advisory Committee on Sustainability
ACMS - Academic Computing & Media Services
ACT - Administrative Computing & Telecommunications (now IT Services)
Act - Acting
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
Adj, Adjt
- Adjunct
Adm, Admin - Administration, Administrative, Administrator
Admis - Admissions
Admtg - Admitting
Adv - Advising, Advisor
AED - Automated External Defibrillator
Affl - Affiliate
AGRC - Academic Geriatric Resource Center
AH - Activity Hub
AHA - American Heart Association
AIP - Academic Internship Program
Alu - Alumni
AMAS - Audit & Management Advisory Services
AMES - Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (now MAE and SE)
Ana - Analyst
Ani Resc - Animal Resources
Anthro - Anthropology
AP - Accounts Payable
AO2 - Admin Officer 2
AP&M - Applied Physics & Mathematics Building
AP&M' - Applied Physics & Mathematics Building Prime (North wing)
A&PS Auxiliary & Plant Services
AR - Accounts Receivable
ARC - Athletic Recreation Center
As, Asc, Assoc - Associate, Associated
As, Ast, Asst – Assistant
ASC - Area Safety Coordinator
Assn - Association
Aud - Audit, Auditorium
Audio - Audiology
Aud Vis - Audio Visual
Auth - Authorization
Aux - Auxiliary
AVCRMP - Assistant Vice Chancellor Resource Management & Planning
AVL - Automatic Vehicle Location


BA - Bachelor of Arts, Business Affairs
BAH - Business Analytics Hub
BAJ - Budget Adjustment Journal
BB - Biology Building
BBP - Bloodborne Pathogens
BDI - Basic Dysrhythmia Interpretation
BFS - Business & Financial Services
BH - Bonner Hall
BI - Business Intelligence
Biochem - Biochemistry
Bioengng - Bioengineering
Bio, Biol - Biology, Biological
Biomed Lib - Biomedical Library
BFG - Budget & Finance User Group
Bkstr - Bookstore
Bldg - Building
BLNA - Black, Latinx, and Native American Family Orientation
BMP - Best Management Practices
BMS - Biomedical Sciences
BMT - Bone Marrow Transplant
BPSA - Business Process Self-Assessment
BSB - Biomedical Sciences Building
BSC - Burn Special Care
BSL - Biosafety Level
BUA - Biohazardous Materials Use Authorization
Bud - Budget
Bus - Business
Bus Ofc - Business Office


CAC - Chancellor's Advisory Committee
CACSE - Center For Advanced Computational Science & Engineering (See SDSC)
CAD - Computer-Aided Design
CADRE - Community Advocates for Disability Rights and Education
Cal/OSHA - California Division of Occupational Safety and Health
Calit2 – California Institute for Telecommunications & Information Technology
CAMS - Campus Asset Management System
CAPE - Courses and Professor Evaluation
CAPS - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Services, Counseling and Psychological Services
Cardio - Cardiology, Cardiologist
Carcino - Carcinogenesis
Cas – Cashier
CAS - Cost Accounting Standards
CASPO - Climate, Atmospheric Science and Physical Oceanography
CASS - Center for Astrophysics & Space Science
CAT - Computed Axial Tomography (CAT scan)
CBO - Campus Budget Office
CCAA - California Collegiate Athletic Association
CCCC - Center for Clouds, Chemistry & Climate
CCCE - Committee on Campus and Community Environment
CCIS – Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
CCMP - Culturally Competent Management Program
CCOA - Common Chart of Accounts
CCP - Clinical Care Partner
CCPC - Campus/Community Planning Committee
CCR - California Code of Regulations
CCR - Co-Curricular Record
CCS - Center for Coastal Studies
CCT - Certified Cardiographic Technician
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access
CDFG - California Department of Fish & Games
CDP - Career Development Program
CDW - Collision damage waiver
CEAM - Center for Excellence for Advanced Materials
CEC - Children's Eye Ctr
CEL - Center for Engaged Learning
CEN - Certified Emergency Nurse Review Course
CEP - Committee on Educational Policy, Academic Senate
CER - Center for Energy Research
CERT - Center for Environmental Research & Training
CERT - Campus Emergency Response Team
CET - Center for Engaged Teaching
CFHS - Child/Family Health Studies
CFRA - California Family Rights Act
C&G - Contracts & Grants
CGA - Contract & Grant Administration
CGS - Critical Gender Studies
Chan, Chanc - Chancellor
CHC - Comparative Human Cognition
CHD – Center for Human Development
CHP - Chemical Hygiene Plan
Chem - Chemist, Chemistry
Chf - Chief
CHHC - Children's Hospital (Sharp)
CHIP - Center for Human Information Processing
Chm, Chrm - Chairman
CHMP - Central Housing Maintenance Pool
CHPR - Community Health Program Representative
CHUM - Consortium of High School Undergraduate & Medical School
CICC - Copley Conference Center
CILAS - Center for Iberian Latin American Studies
Clas - Classification
CLDP - Catastrophic Leave Donation Program
Cli, Cln, Clin - Clinic, Clinical, Clinics
CLICS - Center for Library & Instructional Computing Services
Clin Engrg - Clinical Engineering
Clin Lab Adm - Clinical Laboratory Administration
Clin Svcs - Clinical Services Administration
Cln Nutrit - Clinical Nutrition
CMA - Center for Marine Affairs
CMBB - Center for Marine Biotechnology & Biomedecine
CMF - Community Medicine Facility
CMG - Center for Molecular Genetics
CMI - Center for Microbiome Innovation
CMM-E, CMM-W - Cellular & Molecular Medicine East, West
CMRR - Center for Magnetic Recording Research
CMS - County Medical Services
CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant
CNCB - Center for Neural Circuits and Behavior
Cnsl, Cnslg - Counsel, Counseling, Consulting
Cnslr - Counselor
COA - Chart of Accounts
COBRA - Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act
COE - Center for Operational Excellence
COEM - Center for Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Cog Sci - Cognitive Science
COI - Conflict of Interest
- College, Collection
Com, Comm - Communication, Community
Com Med - Community Medicine
ConC - Committee on Committees
Contr - Contracts
Contrl - Control, Controller
Coor, Coord - Coordinator, Coordinating
COP - Council of Provosts
Core Cell Cu Fa
- Core Cell Culture Facility
Corp - Corporate, Corporation
COTA - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
CPM - Capital Program Management
CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPT - Curricular Practical Training
CRB - Chemistry Research Building
CRBS/Medical - Center for Research in Biological Structure/Medical
CRCA - Center for Research in Computing and the Arts
CRC - Clinic Research Center, Clinical Research Coordinator
CRD - Climate Research Division
CREATE - Center for Research on Educational Equity, Assessment, and Teaching Excellence
CRF/LRC/RB - Clinical Research Facility/Lipid Research Clinic/Rancho Bernardo
CRL - Center for Research in Language
CRMS - Campus Research Machine Shop
CRS - Computer Resources Specialist
CRSF - Central Research Facility
Crs/Newsppr - Courses by Newspaper
CS - Controlled Substance
CSB - Cognitive Science Bldg
CSC - Campus Services Complex
CSE - Computer Science & Engineering
CSGP - California Sea Grant Program
CSR - Customer Service Request
CSI - Center for Student Involvement
CSSAC - Community Safety and Security Advisory Committee
CSSC - Chemical Safety & Surveillance Committee
CSW - Committee on the Status of Women (Chancellor Advisory Committee)
CSUA - Controlled Substances Use Authorization
CTA - Clinical Trial Agreement
CTF - Clinical Teaching Facility
CTO - Class Title Outline
CTRI - Clinical and Translational Research Institute
CUP - Central Utilities Plant
CUPA - Certified Unified Program Agencies
CUSMS – Center for US Mexican Studies
Cust - Customer
Custdn - Custodian
CV - Canyon View
CVAB - Canyon Vista Administration Building
CV Rec/Ath Ctr - Canyon View Recreation/Athletic Ctr
Cyn - Canyon
Cytotech - Cytotechnology


DARWIN - Data Repository and Windows to Information
DBO - Departmental Business Officer
DCC - Disability Counseling and Consulting

DCP-CAS - Defined Contribution Plan - Casual
DCP-REG - Defined Contribution Plan - Regular
DDA - Degree and Diploma Application
DDNS - Divisional Dean/Natural Sciences
DDSS - Divisional Dean/Social Sciences
DES - Division of Extended Studies
DSDP - Deep Sea Drilling Project
Dent - Dental
Dept - Department
Deptl - Departmental
Des & Constr - Design & Construction
Dev, Dvlmt - Development
DHHS - Department of Health & Human Services
Diag - Diagnose, Diagnostic, Diagnosis
Diet - Dietary, Dietetics, Dietitian
Dipl - Diplomat
Dir - Director
Dis - Disease
Dist - Distribution
Div - Division
Div Fam Med - Division of Family Medicine
D Locker - Diving Locker
DOC - Dimensions of Culture
Doc - Document, Documentation
DOD - Department of Defense
DOE - Department of Energy
DOM - Department of Medicine
DOPE - Detail of Payroll Expense
DP - Data Processing
DR - Direct Retro
DRB - Design Review Board
DS2 - Disclosure Statement
DSA - Departmental Security Administrator
DSC - Departmental Safety Coordinator
DSDP - Deep Sea Drilling Project


E2T - Enhanced Electronic Transcript
EADA - Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act
EBU I - Engineering Building, Unit 1
ECDA - Express Card Department Administrator
ECE - Electrical & Computer Engineering
ECEC - Early Childhood Education Center
ECERT - Electronic Certification of Effort and Reporting Tool
ECMO - Extra Coprial Membrane Oxygenation
ECOB - East Campus Office Building
Ecol - Ecologist
Econ - Economics
ECP - Environmental Care Partner
Ed - Editor, Editorial
EDB - Employee Data Base
EDNA - Information help desk line: 534-EDNA (3362)
EDS - Education Studies
EECS - Electric Engineering & Computer Sciences
EH&S - Environment, Health & Safety
EIM - enterprise identity management
- Equipment Inventory Modification Request
EKG - Electrocardiogram
Elect, Electron - Electric, Electronics
ELT - Engaged Learning Tools
Emer, Emerg – Emergency
EMF - Environmental Management Facility
Emp, Empl - Employee, Employment
Empl Hlth - Employee Health Services
EMR - Electronic Medical Record
Emrts – Emeritus
EMT - Emergency Medical Technician
EMT-D - EMT-Defibrillation
Eng - English
Engr - Engineer, Engraving
Engng – Engineering
ENPET - Electronic Non-Payroll Expense Transfer
Enrchmt - Enrichment
Envir - Environment
EOC - Emergency Operations Center
EOP/RS - Educational Opportunity Program/Relations with Schools
EOY - Employee of the Year
EPBCS - Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service 
EPD - Employee-Paid Disability
EPET - Electronic Payroll Expense Transfer
Eq, Equip - Equipment
eQVR - Electronic (online) Quality Variance Report
ER - External Relations
ER - Employee Relations
eRAP - Electronic Research Administration Program
ERC - Eleanor Roosevelt College
ERISA – Employee Retirement Income Security Act
ERIT - Employee-Initiated Reduction In Time
ES - Employment Services (formerly Job Opportunities Program)
Esc - Escort
ESI - Environment and Sustainability Initiative
ESPP - Extended Studies and Public Programs
ESR - Enterprise Systems Renewal)
Exec - Executive
Exptl - Experimental
Ext - Extension
Extnl - External
Ext Stud - Extended Studies


F&A - Facilities & Administration
Fac - Faculty
Facil - Facilities, Facility
Facil D&C - Facilities Design & Construction
FBM - Financial & Budget Management
FBS - Facilities & Building Services
FDP - Federal Demonstration Partnership
FDP - Federal Demonstration Project
FdSvcs - Food Services
Fdtn - Foundation
FEIN - Federal Employer Identification Number
FERPA - Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FF-21 - Food and Fuel for the 21st Century
FICA - Federal Insurance Contributions Act
FID - Financial Identification Number
Fin - Finance, Financial
Fin Adm - Financial Administration
FinAH - Financial Activity Hub
FinU - Financial Unit
FIS - financial information system
- Fiscal
FJ - Financial Journal
Fl, Flr - Floor
FM - Facilities Management
FMCC - Family Maternity Care Center
FMLA - Family Medical Leave Act
FMPH - Family Medicine & Public Health
For - Foreign
FP - Feature Package
Frmn - Foreman
FSAP - Faculty and Staff Assistance Program
FTE - Full Time Equivalent
FUDS - Formerly Used Defense Site


GA - General accounting
GASB - Governmental Accounting Standards Board
Gastroe - Gastroenterology
G/D - Graduate Department
Gen - General
Gen Acctg - General Accounting
Geochem - Geochemistry
Geosci - Geosciences
GEPA - Division of Graduate Education & Postdoctoral Affairs (formerly Graduate Division/Office of Graduate Studies and Research/Office of Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholar Affairs)
GH - Galbraith Hall
GHS - Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
GISOI - Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues (Chancellor Advisory Committee)
GL - General Ledger
Glsbir - Glassblower
GMHC - Gifford Mental Health Center
GPA - Grade Point Average
GPL - George Palade Laboratories (formerly CMM West Building)
GPS - School of Global Policy & Strategy (formerly GraduateSchool/International Relations & Pacific Studies)
Grad - Graduate
GRD - Geosciences Research Division (SIO)
Groundskpr - Groundskeeper
Grph - Graph
GrSch/IRPS - GraduateSchool/International Relations & Pacific Studies (now School of Global Policy & Strategy)
Grsmn - Groundsman
G/S - Graduate Student
GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications
GSR - Graduate Student Researcher
GU SurgX-R - GU Surgery and X-Ray
Gyn - Gynecology


Haz - Hazard, Hazardous
Hazmat - Hazardous materials
HCOE - Hispanic Center of Excellence
HCOP - Health Career Opportunity Program
HCP - Hazard Control Plan
HCRA - Health Care Reimbursement Account
HEERA - Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act
Hemodia - Hemodialysis
HEOA - Higher Education Opportunity Act
HERC - Human Exposure Review Committee
HH - Hubbs Hall
HHMI - Howard Hughes Medical Institute
HHS - Health and Human Services
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Hist - History, Histology
H-L - Humanities Library Building
Hlth - Health
HMO - Health Maintenance Organization
HMBP - Hazardous Materials Business Plan
HNRC - Hiv Neurobehavioral Research Center
Hosp - Hospital
HR - Human Resources
HS - High School
Hsg - Housing
Hskpg - Housekeeping
HSP - Health Services Program
H&SS - Humanities & Social Science
Hotel Cir/S - Hotel Circle/South
HUGES MRB - Hughes Medical Research Building
Hum - Human, Humanities
HVPO - High Value Purchase Order
Hyd Lab - Hydraulic Laboratory


IAP - Intercampus Arts Program
IACUC - Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IBC - Institutional Biosafety Committee
ICA - Intercollegiate Athletics
ICAP - International Career Association Program
ICC - Instructional Computing Center
I-Center - International Center
ICL - Institute of Continued Learning
ICU'S M/S/B - Intensive Care Unit's Medical/Surgery/Regional Burn
IDC - Indirect Cost
IDLH - immediately dangerous to life or health
IFOP - Index, Fund, Organization, Program
IFOPAL - Index, Fund Organization, Program, Account, Location
IGCC - Institute on Global Conflict & Cooperation
IGPP - Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics
IICAS - Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies
IIPP - Injury & Illness Prevention Program
Illstr - Illustrator
IMG - Internal Medicine Group
IMGP - Insurance Medical Group Plan
Imprv - Improvement
IMR - Institute of Marine Resources
IMU - Intermediate Care Unit
INC - Institute for Neural Computation
Ind - Industrial
Info - Information
Infect - Infection, Infectious
Inh - Inhalation
Initv - Initiative
INLS - Institute for Nonlinear Sciences
Insp - Inspection, Inspector
Inst - Institute, Institution
Instl - Install, Installation
Instr - Instruction, Instructor
Instrmt - Instrument
Int - Internal
Int Aud - Internal Audits
Intl - International
Inv - Inventory
IOA - Institute of the Americas
IOD - Integrative Oceanography Division
IP - In Patient, Intellectual Property, or Internet Protocol
IPA - Interpersonnel Agreement
IPAPS - Institute for Pure & Applied Physical Science
IPPS - Integrated Procure-to-Pay Solutions
IR - In Research, In Residence
IR/PS - International Relations/Pacific Studies (now School of Global Policy & Strategy-GPS)
IPM - Integrated Pest Management
IRA - Individual Retirement Account
IRB - Institutional Review Board
ISEO - International Services and Engagement Office
ISIS - Integrated Student Information System
ISP - International Studies Program
ITAC - Information Technology Advisory Committee
ITS - Information Technology Services
ITER - International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
ITIN - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
IWDC - Instructional WWW Development Center


JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JCI - Journal of Clinical Investigation
JDF - Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
JIMO - Joint Institute for Marine Observations
JOP - Job Opportunity Program (now Employment Services)
Jr - Junior
JSOE - Jacobs School of Engineering
JUM - Journal of Ultrasound/Medicine


KBA - Knowledge Base Article
- Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind
KR - Kuali Research
Krny Anx - Kearny Annex


LAS - Latin American Studies
LASR - Leave Activity Summary Report
LB - Literature Bldg
LC50 - Lethal concentration 50
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LCHC - Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition
Ld, Ldr - Lead, Leader
LD50 - Lethal dose 50
LDO - Locally designated official
Ldrshp - Leadership
Lect - Lecturer
LEDDN AUD - Patrick J. Ledden Auditorium - Muir College HSS2250
LGBT - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
LHAT - Laboratory Hazard Assessment Tool
LIAI - La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
Lib - Library
Librn - Librarian
Lic - License, Licensing
LICR – Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Ling - Linguistics
Lit - Literature
LJV Dr - La Jolla Village Drive
LL - Lower Level
LMS - Laboratory for Mathematics & Statistics
LPSOE - Lecturer with Potential Security of Employment
LR - Labor Relations
LRC - Lipid Research Clinic, Learning Resource Center
LSC - Laser Safety Committee
LUA - Laser Use Authorization
LVN - Licensed Vocational Nurse
LVPO - Low Value Purchase Order


MAE - Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Mail Svcs - Mail Services
Maint - Maintenance
Mar - Marine
MARC - Minority Access to Research Careers
Math - Mathematics
Matl - Material, Materiel
Matl Mgt/Hndlg - Materiel Management, Materiel Handling
MBRD - Marine Biology Research Division
MBRF - Molecular Biology Research Facility
MBRS - Minority Biomedical Research Support
MC - Medical Center
MCC - Media Center/Communication Building
MCGH - McGill Hall
MCGH' - McGill Hall Prime
MCIS - Medical Center Information Systems
MD - Medicine, Doctor of
MDA - Muscular Dystrophy Association
Mdvl - Mandeville
Mech - Mechanic
Mechn - Mechanician
Med - Medical, Medicine
Med/Pharm - Medicine/Pharmacology
Med/Physio - Medicine/Physiology
Membrshp - Membership
Merch - Merchandise
MET - Medical Education and Telemedicine
MGB - Medical Genetics Bldg
Mgn, Mgmt - Management
Mgr - Manager
MH - Mayer Hall
MHW - Mental Health Worker
MHWW - Minority Honors Writing Workshop
MICN - Mobile Intensive Care Nurse
Microbiol - Microbiology
M&IE - Meals and Incidental Expenses
Min - Minority
MIRECC - Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center
Mktg - Marketing
MLRG - Marine Life Research Group
MOD - March of Dimes Birth Defects Association
MOS - Mosaic Building, Sixth College
MOM - Middle of Muir
MPF - Multipurpose Facility
MPL - Marine Physical Laboratory
MRD - Marine Research Division
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRS - My Research Safety
MRU - Multicampus Research Unit
MSAP - Management Skills Assessment Program
MSDS - Marine Science Development Shop
Msgr - Messenger
MSO - Management Services Officer
MSP - Management and Senior Professionals
MSR - Medical Science Research
Mt - Mount
MTA - Material Transfer Agreement
MTDC - Modified Total Direct Cost
MTF - Medical Teaching Facility
MUA - Machine Use Authorization (for radiation-producing machines)
Muir R-Halls - Muir Residence Halls
Mus - Museum
MVOPC - Mission Valley Outpatient Center
MWP - Muir Writing Program


NAGPRA - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- North Annex Replacement Facility
NASA - National Aeronautics & Space Administration
NCAA - National Collegiate Athletic Association
NDRL - Neuro Developmental Research Lab
NEO - New Employee Orientation
Neuro - Neurosciences
Neuropatho - Neuropathology
Neurosurg - Neurosurgery
Newsppr – Newspaper
NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
NGN - Next Generation Network
NH - Nierenberg Hall
NIH - National Institutes of Health
NMF - Nimitz Marine Facility
NMFS - National Marine Fisheries Service
NOAA - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
NPET - Non-Payroll Expense Transfer
NRMC - Naval Regional Medical Center
NSB - Natural Science Building
NSCORT - NASA Specialized Center for Research & Training
NSF - National Science Foundation
N/TPCT - North Torrey Pines Court
NUC - Naval Underseas Center
Nuc - Nuclear
Nur, Nurs - Nurse, Nursing


OAC - Office of Academic Computing
OAR - Ocean Atmospheric Research Facility
OASIS - Office of Academic Support & Instructional Services
OB - Obstetrics
OB/Gyn - Obstetrics & Gynecology
OC - Oceanography
OCGA - See Sponsored Project Office (SPO)
OCME - Office of Continued Medical Education
OCME/Ped Ad Unt - OCME/Pediatric Administrative Unit
OD - Overdraft
ODaPA - Organization of Department and Program Advisors
ODF - Oceanographic Data Facility
ODP - Ocean Drilling Program
OESF - Ocean Engineering Support Facility
Ofc - Office
OFC - Oracle Financial Cloud
Ofcr, Ofr
- Officer
OGS - Office of Graduate Studies (Name changed, see GEPA under G)
OHC - Occupational Health Center
OHSP - Occupational Health and Safety Program
OIA - Office of International Affairs
OLR - Office of Learning Resources
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
OMB - Office of Management Bulletin
ONO - Office of Network Operations
ONR - Office of Naval Research
OP - Office of the President
OPP - Outreach Partners Program
OPAFS - Office of Post Award Financial Services (changed to SPF - Sponsored Projects Finance)
Ophthmlgy - Ophthalmology
Opr - Operator
Ops - Operations
OPT - Optional Practical Training
ORD - Ocean Research Division
Org - Organization
Orgnal - Organizational
Orient - Orientation
ORA - Office of Research Affairs
ORU - Organized Research Unit
OSA - Office of Student Affairs (School of Medicine)
OSC - Open Space Committee
- Office for Student with Disabilities
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (federal)
OSHPP - Office of Sexual Harassment Prevention & Policy
OSI - Office of Operational Strategic Initiatives
OTC - Office Telephone Contact
OTP - Online Waste Tag Program
Outpnt Ctr, OPC - Outpatient Center
Outrch - Outreach


PA - Personnel Agreement
PAB - Police Accountability Board
PACU - Post Anesthesia Care Unit
PAH - Project Activity Hub
PALS - Pediatric Advanced Life Support
PANPost Authorization Notification
PAO - Programs Abroad Office
PAR - Personnel Activity Report (see ECERT)
PARC - Personnel/ Administrative Reclassification Committee
Part - Partner
Pat - Patient
Patho - Pathology
PCYNH - Pepper Canyon Hall
PD - Per Diem
PDC - Professional Development Center
PDF - Portable Document Format
PE - Physical Education
Ped, Peds - Pediatrics, Pediatrician
PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit
Pers, Persnl - Personnel
PET - Payroll Expense Transfer
PET - Positron Emission Tomography (PET scan)
PFBH – Powell-Focht Bioengineering Bldg
PFL - Paid Family Leave
PG - Postgraduate
PGS - Pre Graduate School
PGSOP - Professional & Graduate Opportunity Program
Pharm - Pharmacy, Pharmacist, Pharmacology
PHI - Protected Health Information
Phil - Philosophy
Photo - Photographer, Photographic
PHS - Public Health Service
Phycs - Physics
Phys - Physician
Physcl - Physical
Physct, Phycist - Physicist
Physio – Physiology
PI - Principal Investigator
PID - Personal Identification Number
PIE - Period of Initial Eligibility
PIO - Public Information Office
PIN - Personal Identification Number
PITSG - Provost's IT Services Group
P&L - Psychology & Linguistics Building
Plcmt - Placement
Plcy - Policy
Pln, Plng - Plan, Planner, Planning
Plz - Plaza
Poli Sci - Political Science
PO - Purchase Order
POETAF - Project #, Organization, Expenditure Type, Task #, Award #, Funding Source
PORD - Physical Oceanography Research Division
POS - Point-of-service
Postdoc - Postdoctoral
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
PPM - Policy & Procedure Manual
PPM - Project Portfolio Management
PPS - Physical Plant Services (now Facilities Management)
PQM - Project Quality Management
PRA - Policy & Records Administration
Pract - Practitioner
Prin - Principal
Prkg - Parking
Pro - Professional
Proc - Process, Processor, Processing
Prod - Production
Prof - Professor
Prog, Prgmr - Program, Programmer
Proj, Prj - Project
Promo - Promotion
Prov - Provost
PSL - Powell Structures Laboratory
PSOE - Potential Security of Employment
Psych - Psychological, Psychology
Psycht - Psychologist
Psychr - Psychiatry, Psychiatrist
Pub - Public
Publ - Publications
Pur – Purchasing
PWRuP - Pilot Workload Reduction Project
Pybls - Payables
Pyrl - Payroll


QA - Quality Assurance
QRM - Quality & Resource Management
Qual - Quality


RAP - Research Assistance Program
Rad - Radiation
Radiol - Radiology
RAH - Research Activity Hub
RBC - Robinson Building Complex
RC - Revelle College
RCP Bldg - Revelle College Provost Building
Rcvg - Receiving
REAL - Research Experience & Applied Learning
Rec - Recreation
Recd - Record, Records
Recp - Reception, Receptionist
Recrt, Recrtg - Recruitment, Recruiting
Reg-Adm-Registrar - Admissions
Regstr - Registrar
Rehab - Rehabilitation
Reimburse - Reimbursement
Rel - Relations
Rep - Representative
Repr, Repro - Reproduction, Reproductive
Repro Med - Reproductive Medicine
Res, Resch - Research, Researcher
Resc - Resource
Resp, Respir - Respiratory
Rev - Review
Rev Comm - Revelle Commons
Rev R-Halls - Revelle Residence Halls
RFAB - Recreation Facilities Advisory Board
RFI - Request for Information
RFP - Request for Proposal
RFQ - Request for Quotation
RGC - Riley Guidance Center
RIMAC - Recreation Intermural & Athletic Center
RLC - Recreation Leadership Council
Rm - Room
RN - Registered Nurse
ROC - Regional Operations Centers
RPP - Respiratory Protection Plan
RSC - Radiation Safety Committee
Rsdn - Residence
Rsdntl - Residential
Rsdncy - Residency
Rsdnt - Resident
Rs Hl - Residence Halls
RSOMII - Rady School of Management II (Wells Fargo Hall)
Rsv - Reserve
Rt - Route
RTAD - Return to Active Duty
RUA - Radioactive Use Authorization


SA - Sumner Auditorium
- Staff Affirmative Action
- Student Affirmative Action & Human Relations
- Safety
- Student Activity & Government
SAGE - Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education
SAH - Student Activity Hub
- Scripps Atmospheric Research Facility
- Student Information System
SAUBS - Student Account & University Billing Services
- Scripps Building, Steven Birch
- Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
- Shipboard Computer Group
- School
- Science, Sciences, Scientist
- Stein Clinical Research Building
- San Diego Area Writing Project
- San Diego Center for Algae Biotechnology
SDI – State Disability Insurance
- Systems Development Lifecycle
- San Diego Medical Center La Jolla
- San Diego Point Loma
- San Diego Supercomputer Center
- Safety Data Sheet (formerly MSDS, Material Safety Data Sheet)
- San Diego Supercomputer Center
- Structural Engineering
S&E -
Science & Engineering Library
- Shiley Eye Center (now Shiley Eye Institute)
- Secretary
- Senate
- Sequoyah Hall
- Science Engineering Research Facility
- Session
- Sergeant
- Scholander Hall
- Supplemental Instruction
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Scripps Graduate Department
- Statement of Intent to Register
- Stein Institute for Research on Aging
- Supplemental Liability Insurance
- Statement of Legal Residence
- Student Legal Services
- Satellite Medical Facility
- Streamlined NonCompeting Award Process
- Student Outreach and Recruitment (now Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools)
- Social
- Sociology
- Security of Employment
- School of Medicine
- Ship Operations & Marine Technical Support
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Student Organization Support Services
- Sponsored Project Excellence Achieved through Redesign
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan
- Speech
- Special, Specialist
Spec Svcs
- Special Services
SPF - Sponsored Projects Finance (formerly OPAFS)
SPO - Sponsored Projects Office
- Sport
- Structured Query Language
- Structured Query Language for Departmental Support Environment
- Staff Research Associate
- Service Referral Desk (Facilities Management)
- Surgery Research Lab
- Seismic Response Modification Device
- Staff Retention and Support Steering Committee
- Summer Sessions
Social Sciences Building
- Social Sciences Computing Facility
- Sustainability Solutions Institute
- Structural Systems Lab
- Secure Sockets Layer
- Sanitary Sewer Management Plan
- Social Security Number
- Scripps Satellite Oceanography Facility
- Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Social Sciences Research Building
Staff Per
- Staff Personnel
- Statistical, Statistician
- Staffing
- Short Term Investment Pool
- Science Teaching Lab
- Science Technology & Public Affairs
- Storehouse
- Storekeeper
- Structure
- Shipboard Technical Support
- Support
Supr, Supv
- Supervisor, Supervising
- Superintendent
Surg -
Surgeon, Surgery, Surgical
Svc, Svcs -
Service, Services
SvH -
Sverdrup Hall
Sw Cyn -
Seaweed Canyon
SwD - Students with Dependents
South West Fisheries Science Center
Sys -
System, Systems


TA - Teaching Assistant, Theatre Arts
- Transportation Advisory Committee
- Talent Acquisition and Outreach Services (formerly Employment & Community Outreach Services)
- Triton Auxiliary Programs & Services
- Teacher
- Total Direct Cost
- Time Division Multiple Access
- Technical, Technician
- Technologist,Technology
- Telephone
- Telecommunications
- Teacher Education Program
- Temporary Employment Service
- Teacher Enhancement/Science and Teaching
- Travel Expense Voucher
- Theodore Gildred Cancer Facility
Ther, Therap
- Therapeutic, Therapist, Therapy
- Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association College Retirement Equities Fund
- Training Justification and Anticipated Cost
- Teaching + Learning Commons
- Teaching + Learning Commons
- Transport Layer Security
- Threshold Limit Value, Type Length Value
- Translational Methamphetamine AIDS Research Center
- Thurgood Marshall Television
- Torrey Pines Center
- Torrey Pines Center North
- Torrey Pines Center South
- Torrey Pines Science Park
- Transport
- Transcriber, Transcription
- Translator
- Transplant
- Trailer
- Training
TS - Transportation Services
- The Scripps Research Institute
TSS - Triton Student System
- Technology Transfer Office
- Television
- Third World Studies
- Typist


U, Univ - University
- Uniform Building Code
- University of California Medical Center
- University of California San Diego Medical Center
- University of California Retirement Plan
- University of California Retirement System
- University Center
- University Events & Student Activities
UG, Undergrad
- Undergraduate
- Undergraduate Medical Education
- Urey Hall
- Urey Hall Annex
- University Library
- Ultrasound
Un, Unt
- Unit
- University Extension
- University-Paid Disability
- University Relations Information System
- Urology
- United States Postal Service
- Utilities


VA - Veteran's Administration
VAMC - Veterans Administration Medical Center
VC - Vice Chancellor
VCAA, VC Ac Af - Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs
VC-CFO - Vice Chancellor-Chief Financial Officer
VC-EDI - Vice Chancellor-Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
VCHS - Vice Chancellor-Health Sciences
VC-RM&P - Vice Chancellor-Resource Management & Planning
VC-SACL - Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life
VH - Vaughn Hall
Viro - Virology, Virologist
Vis - Visitor, Visual
Visit - Visiting
Viv - Vivarium
VL - Visibility Laboratory
Vly – Valley
VMRF - Veteran's Medical Research Foundation
Voc – Vocational
VPN - Virtual Private Network


- Waiver for Business
- Warren Campus,Warren College
- Waste Generator Number
- Work
- Worker
- Workshop
- World
- Warren Lecture Hall 
- Women
- White Mountain Research Station
- Word Processing Center
- Writer
- Word
- Women's Study Program
- Waiver for Tourist
- Water
- Workplace Technology Services
- Way


Zool - Zoologist, Zoology