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Lead-Based Paint Action Plan for UC San Diego Project Managers

If you suspect you might encounter lead-based paint during a construction, renovation, or repair project, follow the steps below to meet health and safety requirements.

Authorized personnel

Only the following departments are allowed to manage lead-based paint abatement programs at UC San Diego:

  • Facilities Design & Construction
  • Facilities Management
  • Housing, Dining & Hospitality
  • Medical Center Facilities Engineering

1. Determine if lead-based paint is or may be present in your project area before work begins.

  • Determine if lead-based paint is present.
    • In the event that information on the presence of lead-based paint is not already available relating to any area/building material within any structure, building, room, or appurtenance which may be disturbed during proposed renovation or demolition, a current lead-based paint survey must first be conducted on that structure, building, room, or appurtenance. All such surveys must be performed by an appropriately licensed entity/person.
  • Do abatement if lead-based paint is present.
    • If lead-based paint is known to be present in the project area, abatement must be completed before your employees can work in the area.

Important: If suspected lead-based paint has the potential of being disturbed during renovation, a sample must be collected for verification by a certified consultant. Otherwise, the material must be presumed to contain lead unless proven otherwise by lab analysis.

2. If you find unanticipated suspected lead-based paint during your project, follow these steps.

  • Instruct employees to stop work on the task involved.
  • Take immediate action to ensure the material is not disturbed.
  • During business hours, immediately call Environment, Health & Safety at (858) 534-3660; after business hours, immediately call UC San Diego Police at 9-1-1 (from a campus land line) or (858) 534-HELP (from a cell phone).

3. For lead-based paint abatement projects, follow these steps.

1. Select a consultant and a contractor - Select a California-licensed lead-based paint abatement consultant and a separate contractor from a licensed vendor. To avoid conflict of interest, these individuals or entities must be separate. Duties for the 2 roles include:

  • Consultant: Monitors the work area before, during, and after the project. After the project, the consultant will provide a close-out report within 30 days.
  • Contractor: Encapsulates or removes the lead-based paint.

2. Notify Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) - Complete the Lead-Based Project Information Sheet.

3. Notify regulatory agencies as required - UC San Diego project managers are responsible for ensuring the consultant or contractor they hire submit the notification forms below.

  • California Department of Public Health (CDPH) - Notify CDPH of any lead-based paint abatement project within 30 days. Submit both of the forms below:
  • Cal/OSHA - If disturbing more than 100 square feet of lead-based paint, using torch cutting or welding for any amount of lead, and the work shift will exceed 1 hour, notify Cal/OSHA with the form below at least 24 hours before work begins:

4. Get a hazardous waste manifest from EH&S - Only EH&S Environmental Management Facility (EMF) personnel are authorized to sign hazardous waste manifests for removal or disposal of lead-containing materials from UC San Diego facilities.

  • Call EMF, (858) 534-2753, to have an authorized EMF specialist sign the hazardous waste manifest.
  • When the hazardous waste manifest has been signed by EMF personnel, authorize your employees to begin or resume work.

5. Keep records - Keep records of lead-based paint abatement work in your department's files.

Questions? Contact EH&S Occupational Health & Hygiene Services at
Notice: Disposal of hazardous waste using sinks, intentional evaporation, or as regular trash is against the law. Campus laboratories must abide by strict state and federal waste disposal requirements. You may be held liable for violations of applicable laws.