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How to Change Your Payroll Tax Withholding

Find out how to update your payroll tax withholding.

UCPath provides step by step instructions for changing tax withholding.
  1. Log into UCPath by following the instructions on the Self-Service tab at the top of UCSD's UCPath page.
  2. Choose Employee Actions in the menu along the left side
  3. Choose Income and Taxes.
  4. Click CA State W-4 (DE-4) if you want to change your state tax withholding.
  5. Click Federal Withholding (W-4) to change federal tax withholding.

Citizen, Permanent Resident, Resident for tax purposes, or on Refugee, Asylum, or DACA status

Federal & State tax

U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and residents for tax purposes* are subject to U.S. federal tax withholding on their worldwide income, regardless of work location. Follow the instructions above.

California state tax withholding for residents of California and those living and working in California

If you are living and working in the state of California...
  1. Go to UCSD's UCPath page
  2. Click UCPath employee log-in
  3. Click University of California, San Diego
  4. Choose whether you want to sign in via business systems Single Sign-On (SSO) or Active Directory
  5. Enter your credentials and click Login
  6. Click Employee Actions along the left side
  7. Click Income and Taxes, and choose CA State W-4 (DE-4)
  8. Complete the form and click submit.

All employees are subject to federal tax withholding except nonresident aliens living and working outside the U.S. 

*Nonresident aliens and resident aliens claiming a tax treaty exemption at the time of payment cannot change withholding online. Instead, follow the nonresident alien instructions below.

California state tax withholding for nonresident aliens and employees claiming a tax treaty

Nonresident aliens and those claiming a treaty can't change their federal tax withholding because it would change taxation. Once you become a resident for tax purposes and/or reach your tax treaty limit, you can change your tax withholding using the method described above. 

The state of California imposes no such limits. Despite this, UCPath blocks state tax withholding updates online.  Instead, follow this alternate method:

  1. Complete & save the California state tax withholding form (DE-4)  Leave the SSN field blank.
  2. Access the UCPath payroll system by following the instructions on the UCSD website UCPath is Here!
  3. Once you're in the system, click the yellow "Ask UCPath" button in the top right of your screen.
  4. Choose "Submit an Inquiry for myself."
  5. Enter your name and click search.
  6. Click the blue "create an inquiry" to the right of your name.
  7. Topic = payroll.
  8. Category = Tax withholding inquiry."
  9. Subject "Submitting DE-4."
  10. Description = "please update my tax California state tax withholding."
  11. Click the "Chose File" button and attach your state tax form.
  12. Click "submit inquiry."

If you're living and working in a state other than California

Go to UCSD's UCPath page

  1. Click UCPath employee log-in
  2. Click University of California, San Diego
  3. Choose Active Directory and enter your credentials. Your active directory email address will not have a department indication after the @.  Example:  enter not @
  4. Enter your email password and click Login
  5. Click Access Forms and scroll to the bottom section, Payroll, to find the Out of State Tax Withholding Form.
  6. Enter your address and phone number
  7. You’ll find links to other state tax withholding forms. If your state requires withholding, complete the appropriate form and save it as a pdf.
  8. If your state requires withholding, add the state tax form pdf created in step 7 using Add File Attachment
  9. Review and click the little boxes.
  10. In the comments section, enter “Effective [date] I am living and working outside of California. Please adjust my state tax withholding accordingly.
  11. Click Submit.

When/if you return to California, update your withholding.

All employees are subject to federal tax withholding except nonresident aliens living and working outside the U.S. 

Nonresident Alien living and working outside the U.S.

All nonresident alien employees who live and work outside of the U.S. are required to log into UCPath, complete and submit a Foreign Source Income Statement and an Out-of-State Income Tax Withholding form and submit them. This sets the proper tax status and situation with UCPath. You'll need to log into UCPath to find and complete the forms.

Note: Not applicable to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or residents for tax purposes.

Foreign Sourced Income Statement

  1. Go to UCSD's UCPath page
  2. Click UCPath employee log-in
  3. Click University of California, San Diego
  4. Choose Active Directory and enter your credentials. Your active directory email address will not have a department indication after the @.  Example: enter, not @
  5. Enter your email password and click Login
  6. Click Access Forms and scroll to the bottom section, Payroll, to find the Foreign-Sourced Income Statement. There’s a link to instructions near the top.
  7. Complete and save it.

Out of State tax form

  1. Go back to the Forms Library tab and open the Out of State Tax Withholding Form.
  2. Enter your address and phone number
  3. Click Add File Attachment, choose the Foreign Sourced Income Statement.
  4. Review and click the little boxes.
  5. In the comments section, enter “I am a nonresident alien living and working outside the U.S. Please refund federal and state tax withheld from 2020 payments.”
  6. Click Submit.

When/if you return to live and work in the U.S., update your withholding.

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