Staff Research Associate 

UCSD Series Concepts

Class Specification - I.25
Staff Research Associate V - 9609
Staff Research Associate IV - 9610
Staff Research Associate IU - 9611
Staff Research Associate II - 9612
Staff Research Associate I - 9613

July, 1972



Staff Research Associates perform or supervise the performance of 
laboratory and/or field experimental procedures in support of 
academically-supervised research and teaching in the natural, physical 
or social sciences; and perform other related duties as required.

Incumbents perform technical determinations and/or make technical 
observations in one or more fields of scientific endeavor that usually 
yield technical data about the phenomena under investigation.  The fields 
may include chemistry, physics, biochemistry, microbiology, botany, 
zoology, psychology, biology, geology, bacteriology, and other similar 
fields.  The technical determinations include, for example, biochemical, 
radiochemical, physical, and biological preparation, examination, and 
analysis of specimen material.  Installation, operation, and maintenance 
of laboratory and field instruments may be an essential part of the 
duties.  The technical data yielded are used primarily for research and 
teaching, but the data may also relate to public service, such as 
patient care or agricultural extension.

Incumbents work under academic supervision, although they may report 
directly to a higher level Staff Research Associate.  They may 
participate or assist in teaching activities by discussing experimental 
procedures with students, demonstrating procedures, working with faculty 
in presenting, developing or modifying portions of course material, and 
by providing technical supervision to students and visitors during 
assigned periods.  However, they do not have formal responsibility for 
teaching and course content, which is an academic function.  Normally, 
engagement in teaching activities is ancillary to engagement in research 
activities under academic supervision.

Incumbents participate in research activities at several levels of 
difficulty and responsibility described in the Class Concepts.  
Incumbents at the highest level described make significant innovative 
contributions to research methodology of a degree that typically changes 
the course of the investigation.  However, they are not principal 
investigators, which is an academic role; and they may participate in 
but are not assigned final responsibility for determining (a) the 
general nature and course of investigation, (b) general methodological 
approaches for investigation, and (c) the scientific validity of 
research results.

The Staff Research Associate series is a broad series, encompassing 
disciplines in the natural, physical and social sciences.  'ne examples 
cited in the Class Concepts are illustrative and do not preclude 
allocation to the series of positions requiring equivalent technical 
knowledge and skill.

                              CLASS CONCEPTS

Staff Research Associate V

Under general direction, incumbents direct the work of a large and 
complex laboratory including the supervision of technical staff 
consisting of Staff Research Associates I through IV, with at least am 
positions at the Staff Research Associate II level or higher; and take 
charge of the development and execution of major or multi-disciplinary 
research projects, and perform state-of-the-art, complex research 
projects in collaboration with academic supervisors, making significant, 
original contributions to research methods; including authorship or 
co-authorship of published findings.

Incumbents typically consult with academic supervisor and other 
academics or professional researchers on the nature and overall 
objectives of the research project; develop, plan, and direct the 
technical work of several Staff Research Associates, advising them on 
the more difficult and problematic areas they may encounter; contribute 
significant original/innovative ideas of major methodological 
significance to the research; exercise independent judgment and 
discretion, initiative, and resourcefulness in making decisions about 
the research; and write articles for publication in scientific joumals 
or for presentations at conferences or symposiums.

Assignments at this level typically 'Involve supervisory 
responsibilities for other Staff Research Associates.

Staff Research Associate IV

Under direction, incumbents (a) direct the work of a large laboratory 
including the supervision of a group of Staff Research Associate M's, 
II's, and I's, or (b) take charge of the execution of remuch projects or 
major portions of research projects which have been broadly outlined by 
academic supervisors, or (c) engage in difficult and complex research 
projects in collaboration with academic supervisors, making important 
original contributions pertaining to laboratory and/or field 
experimental procedures.  Within a selected methodological approach, the 
selection of specific methods to achieve the objective is frequently 
left to the Staff Research Associate, who typically contributes original 
ideas of major methodological significance to tho prosecution of the 
investigation preceding both by reference to the general body of 
scientific knowledge and by application of trial and error methods.

Incumbents typically consult with academic supervisors on the nature and 
general plan of approach to basic research problems; read and abstract 
scientific articles pertaining to prosecution of broad research 
problems; proceed without specific direction to organize and work out 
all techniques involved; plan, assign, and direct the work of several 
Staff Research Associates, advising them on problems which they are 
unable to solve; contribute original ideas of major methodological 
significance to the prosecution of laboratory and/or field phases of 
research; take complete charge of the execution of laboratory phases of 
major research projects over considerable periods of time, such as 
during prolonged absences of academic supervisors; exercise judgment, 
initiative, and resourcefulness in making decisions, consulting on 
occasion with academic supervisors; and prepare complete written reports 
on all phases of laboratory and/or field experimental work involved in 
research projects.  Such reports usually are used for major portions of 
articles to be prepared for publication.

Assignments at this level of difficulty may be supervisory or 
non-supervisory.  Supervisory assignments typically carry responsibility 
for laboratory management and supervision of Staff Research Associates, 
Laboratory Assistants, and graduate students.  Assistance and 
participation in teaching activities, as described in the Series 
Concept, may be viewed as similar in supervisory responsibility, for the 
purpose of evaluating laboratory management responsibility.  
Non-supervisory assignments at this level typically require sustained, 
frequent contributions of (a) original ideas of major importance in the 
prosecution of laboratory and/or field phases of research and/or (b) 
interpretation of data yielded by new/original method(s) used or 
developed in the course of laboratory and/or field phases of research.  
Coauthorship of scientific journal articles may indicate the level of 
innovational contribution publicly acknowledged at this level, but it is 
not a necessary requirement for allocation of such positions.

Staff Research Associate III

Under general supervision, incumbents (a) direct the work of a 
medium-sized laboratory having a staff of at least one Staff Research 
Associate II or two Staff Research Associate I's, or (b) perform 
laboratory and/or field experimental work that requires a combination of 
journey level knowledge and skill in two ordinarily distinct 
occupational fields or scientific disciplines, or (c) undertake research 
projects in collaboration with academic supervisors, making innovative 
contributions pertaining to laboratory and/or field experimental 
procedures which may not change the course of an investigation but do 
indicate a significant independent contribution beyond the journey 

Incumbents typically consult with academic supervisors on the nature and 
general plan of approach to basic research problems; read and abstract 
articles or value in the prosecution of broad research problems; 
organize and work out all techniques involved; plan and assign the work 
of at least one Staff Research Associate II or two Staff Research 
Associate I's advising them on problems they are unable to solve; 
contribute original ideas in the prosecution of laboratory and/or field 
phases of research; standardize new techniques and train other staff 
personnel and students in their use; perform specialized procedures in 
two ordinarily distinct occupational field or scientific disciplines; 
and prepare complete written reports of laboratory and/or field 
experimental methods.

Assignments at this level of difficulty may be supervisory or 
non-supervisory.  Supervisory assignments typically carry responsibility 
for laboratory management and supervision of at least one Staff Research 
Associate II or two Staff Research Associate I's, and may also include 
the supervision of Laboratory Assistants and graduate students.  
Assistance in teaching activities, as described in the Series Concept, 
may be viewed as similar supervisory responsibility, for the purpose of 
evaluating laboratory management responsibility.  Non-supervisory 
assignments typically require (a) contributions or original ideas of 
importance in the prosecution of laboratory and/or field phases of 
research or (b) a combination of journey level knowledge and skill drawn 
from two ordinarily distinct occupational fields or scientific 

The Staff Research Associate III class is intended to provide the 
intermediate class between the Staff Research Associate II and Staff 
Research Associate IV, in recognition of (a) laboratory management and 
supervision and/or (b) scientific innovation and/or (c) utilization of 
an unusual combination of advanced knowledge and skill, each of which 
separately would support the journey level of the field.

Staff Research Associate II

Under supervision, incumbents perform (a) a wide variety of standard 
repetitive laboratory and/or field experimental procedures at the full 
operational or journey level of skill in one field of specially; or (b) 
perform a limited variety of non-standard laboratory and/or field 
experimental procedures requiring ingenuity, resourcefulness, and 
adaptability to special and changing needs of research in one 
specialized field; or (c) perform a limited variety or repetitive but 
highly specialized laboratory and/or field experimental procedures.

Incumbent typically perform a wide variety of standard repetitive 
procedures without detailed technical supervision, usually in a 
well-established occupational field (i.e., chemistry, microbiology, 
etc.).  They may also modify, vary or adapt standard procedures to meet 
the needs of research projects, or improve tests that are 
unsatisfactory, and after studying available literature, analyze and 
alter conditions under which deteminations are made.  They may also 
acquire and apply a body of knowledge and sldll in a field of 
comparatively narrow scope where the emphasis is on specialized 

Assignments at this level of difficulty are typically non-supervisory; 
however, a Staff Research Associate II may also be assigned the 
management responsibility for a small laboratory unit, with at least one 
Staff Research Associate I or a group of lower-level laboratory 
employees such as Laboratory Assistants, Animal Technicians, etc.  This 
type of responsibility typically includes ordering supplies and 
equipment and insuring proper operation and maintenance of laboratory 

Staff Research Associate II is the full operational level of the series.  
Examples of assignments at this level of difficulty and responsibility 

    Chemical analyst, performing a wide variety of chemical analyses, 
    including qualitative and quantitative analyses of unknowns, by using 
    standard methods and by developing modifications of standard methods to 
    meet special needs.

    Entomologist in biological control unit, in charge of rearing of various 
    species of insects and parasites, including responsibility for 
    determining the kind of food host to use, the age and culture of food 
    host best suited, the timing of breeding and rearing operations, and 
    kinds of parasites to rear on insects to best accomplish the 
    experimental purposes involved.

    Plant pathologist, identifying mycological organisms on plant material 
    by microscopic examination and by keying down, using judgment when 
    descriptions in literature are incomplete or inaccurate.

    Microbiologist, isolating and purifying cultures of fungus and bacterial 
    organisms from plant or animal materials, varying the method on each 
    specimen to identify the organism and obtain a pure culture.

    Histologist, performing a wide variety of standardized, but intricate 
    and delicate procedures for preparing and examining plant materials for 
    optical and/or electron microscopy.

    Experimental psychologist, assisting in psychophysiological experiments 
    on man and animals, preparing subjects for experiments, performing 
    psychophysical tests, improving tests as necessary and analyzing and 
    developing statistical data.

    Electron microscopist, preparing issue for electron microscopy, 
    maintaining electron microscopes and photographic darkroom and prep room 
    facilities, providing individual and classroom instruction on the use of 
    the electron microscope and related facilities.

The examples cited are typical for the class of the Staff Research 
Associate II, but are not intended to limit the class to the 
occupational fields named.  All occupational fields suggested by the 
Series Concept may be found in the class.

Staff Research Associate I

Under supervision, incumbents perform standard repetitive, technical 
laboratory and/or field experimental procedures and/or receive training 
in the more difficult procedures usually requiring a theoretical 
background in one scientific field.  The fields of work are generally 
those indicated in the Series Concept and further illustrated by the 
examples in the Class Concept for Staff Research Associate II.

Incumbents usually perform standard repetitive procedures of limited 
variety and/or work under close technical supervision, in their initial 
assignments.  Originality in devising or revising laboratory and/or field 
experimental procedures is ordinarily not expected nor required at this 
level.  Continuing supervision over other staff personnel is not normally 

Staff Research Associate I is the entry level in the series.  Incumbents 
may perform a limited variety of non-standard repetitive procedures or a 
wide variety of standard repetitive procedures characteristic of the 
next higher level, but without having reached the level of skill 
proficiency required at the next higher level.

                           MINIMUM QUALIFCATIONS

Incumbents are expected to possess the skills, 'Knowledge, and abilities 
essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the 
positions.  These skills, knowledge, and abilities are typically acquired 
through a combination of extensive study and experience.

NOTE: Specific qualification requirements are approved by the Personnel 
      Manager in accordance with the provisions of Staff Personnel Policies 
      210.8 and 210.9 for the Staff Research Associate I and A&PS Personnel 
      Policy 120.5 for the higher levels of the Staff Research Associate 

                           Staff Research Associate

Series Description

  Staff Research Associates apply specialized academic or scientific 
  knowledge to perform or supervise experimental procedures in support of 
  research and teaching.

A&PS Benchmark Level

  The A&PS benchmark level is Statf Research Associate II.  Incumbents 
  typically apply specialized academic or scientific knowledge and skill 
  to make technical determinations and/or observations; assist with 
  research and teaching; and may manage small labs.

Journey or Fully Operational Level in Series

  The fully operational level is Staff Research Associate II.

Certification or Licensure Reguirements



This series includes staff positions that require the observation and
measurement of scientific phenomena. Positions allocated to this series
typically require some specialized skill or knowledge which is usually,
but not necessarily, acquired through formal education in the natural,
physical or social sciences at the collegiate level. Most Staff Research
Associates are engaged in research to seek new or further information
about a subject or substance. However, there are a few positions in this 
series which are concerned primarily with producing materials for study 
by others, such as histological technicians.

Generally, Staff Research Associates are not completely free to undertake
independent scientific research, since this is typically a faculty
function. Staff Research Associate positions are designed primarily to
assist the faculty in identifying and selecting problems for investigation,
planning experiments, and in evaluating, interpreting, and publishing
results. In addition to the actual performance of methods, Staff Research
Associates may participate quite substantially in the selection, 
development, and evaluation of methods.

There are four distinguishable levels within the Staff Research Associate
Series and five (5) allocating factors to be used as common denominators
in determining the appropriate level within the series for a 
particular position. The following is a brief summary of the five
allocating factors.

   (1)  Supervision exercised over the position. The nature and degree
        of supervision exercised over a position ranges from explicit
        methods with directions as to steps to be taken and the review
        of results of all operations for accuracy and completeness
        to giving objectives in very broad terms and allowing the
        methods of determination to be worked out by the Staff Research

        The amount of review by a supervisor is pertinent in this factor
        and in reverse the degree of independence of judgment
        exercised by the Staff Research Associate is also pertinent.
        Many laboratory techniques consist of a large number of steps,
        any of which individually may be relatively simple to perform.
        However, to connect the steps in sequence to produce an end
        result requires evaluation of the results at the completion of
        each step and selection among alternative courses of action,
        even including in some instances reversing the process to
        a preceding step and starting again.

   (2)  Kind and degree of originality of the innovational aspects of
        the work.

        This factor measures original contribution or innovation within
        the realm of methods and procedure.

        Original contributions or innovations range from relatively simple 
        suggestions such as substituting one kind of pipette for another or 
        recognizing irregularities and invalid results and calling them to the 
        attention of the supervisor to breaking new ground by attempting 
        something which has not been attempted or achieved before, proceeding 
        both by reference to the general body of scientific knowledge and by 
        application of trial and error methods.

   (3)  Skill requirements inherent in the performance of a particular 
        method or procedure. Skill requirements usually refers to manipulative 
        skills.  Some techniques are not particularly difficult to understand, 
        but to perform they require unusual finesse with laboratory 
        instruments because of the perishable or fragile nature of the objects 
        being worked with.  Skill requirements may also refer to knowledge of 
        scientific principles and procedures and judgment in evaluating 
        results.  The knowledge which an incumbent may bring to a job does not 
        in itself affect the level of skill unless it is expressed in the job 
        in some way.

   (4)  Variety of the work.  Variety within the Staff Research Associate 
        Series means the degree of diversification and utilization of 
        unrelated techniques or the requirement of essentially dissimilar 
        knowledges and skills.

        NOTE: The Skill (3) and Variety (4) factors can combine for 
        allocation to the Staff Research Associate III level if the work 
        performed involves duties and responsibilities evaluated at the Staff 
        Research Associate II level of skill (work requiring unusual finesse 
        or knowledge to perform) in each of at least two separate 
        occupational fields or scientific disciplines.

   (5)  Laboratory management responsibilities, including responsibility 
        for the work of others.  Laboratory management responsibilities may 
        be defined as (1) having responsibility for the work of others 
        including planning and reviewing work assignments and giving 
        assistance in the solution of work problems; (2) having 
        responsibility for ordering and the upkeep of supplies and 
        equipment; (3) personal contact with the public in performing 
        laboratory work in the field; (4) responsibility for instructing 
        through lectures and/or demonstrations, or training in laboratory 
        procedures, or generally overseeing a group of students in laboratory 
        sections of their course work.

All five factors may not be significant or critical in the evaluation of 
a job in the Staff Research Associate series.  The duties and 
responsibilities present in a position are allocated to an appropriate 
level (Staff Research Associate I, II, III or IV) for each of the 
significant factors and the position is classified at the highest 
level at which the majority of these factors are evaluated for levels I, 
II and IV.  For classification at level III a majority of incumbent's 
time must be spent performing duties and responsibilities allocable to 
one of three significant factors.  Further illustration appears in the 
following chart:

                                     ALLOCATION FACTORS

LEVEL    (1)Supervision  (2)Originality        (3)Skill       (4)Variety         (5)Lab         No of significant
                                                                                    Mgt                   factors

SRA IV               IV              IV               -                -             IV              2 of 3 at IV

SRA III               -             III                   III                       III            1 of 3 at III,
                                                    (skill-variety                                    majority of
                                                       combined)                                  remainder at II

SRA II               II              II              II               II             II              3 of 5 at II

SRA I                 I               I               I                I              I               3 of 5 at I
