00:05:25 Fadi Rahawi: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/tech-resources/techtalk-speaker-info.html 00:32:11 Russia Madden: šŸ‘‹ 00:33:22 Fadi Rahawi: Welcome everyone! We'll get started in just a minute or two. 00:33:23 Mojgan Amini: yep 00:37:09 Fadi Rahawi: https://blink.ucsd.edu/go/techtalks 00:49:04 Paul Abbott: Do we know who came up with the <50 but >40%? Seems so arbitrary, and hard to quantify. (you can always say "Berkeley") 01:16:09 Thorin Tabor: What additional challenges exist, if any, for being reclassified into an MSP position? 01:16:18 Coy Shaffstall: Is there a directory of committees? 01:16:23 John Hebron: Is this also applicable to the health side as well? 01:17:21 Rockford Mankini: Like the Annual Employee Appreciation Committee :) 01:19:26 Rockford Mankini: I missed the first half but how often do people transition between universities/departments as opposed to waiting for a reclass? 01:21:16 Nicole Dennis: Would you recommend looking at Job Cards in addition to Career Tracks? 01:21:27 Shelli Sannes: Very helpful info for people fairly new to UCSD, including me, thank Valerie! 01:22:23 Igor Khokhriakov: J2 holders may change position inside ucsd? 01:22:24 Edward Locano: Very informative, thank you! 01:22:26 Nicole Dennis: thanks 01:22:35 Igor Khokhriakov: sorry J1 01:22:46 Maria Andrade: Thank you Valerie 01:22:47 Stewart McMaken: Thanks Valerie! 01:22:47 Paul Abbott: Thanks, Valerie! 01:22:50 Daniel Meyer: Thank you for the presentation! 01:22:54 Valerie Polichar [she/her]: Igor, Iā€™m not sure about the restrictions but I do believe they can move. Talk to HR! 01:22:54 Wilson Cheung: Thanks, Valerie! 01:22:55 Michelle Truong: Thanks! Very helpful. 01:22:56 Kimberly Thomas: This was great! Thanks Valerie! 01:23:14 Manisha Kanodia (she/her/hers): Thank you Valerie 01:23:44 Manisha Kanodia (she/her/hers): That was decades of experience - really appreciate it